Page 30 - Issue 48
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                                                                                  Vol.1, Issue 48, October 2022

                                      Report on the Center for Political Research and
                                      Studies and Intercultural Dialogue’s Panel Talk

                                      entitled “Climate Change and its Repercussions
                                                        on Human Security”

                                          Menna-t-Allah Hossam Enan - Level 3 - Economics
               The  Center  for  Political  Research  and  Studies  and  Dr.  Beelal  then  began  his  presentation,  where  he
               Intercultural Dialogue (CPRSID) held a panel talk entitled  emphasized the fact that climate change has turned from
               "Climate  Change  and  its  Repercussions  on  Human  a  challenge  to  a  threat,  and  accordingly,  his  speech
               Security" on Tuesday, October 11, 2022, at the Faculty of  revolved  around  three  main  axes;  the  first  is  climate
               Economics and Political Science - Cairo University.   change, the second is food security, and the third is the
               Where the center hosted both Dr. Beelal Ali Abdelhamed,  relationship between the two previous axes.
               Chief  assistant  of  the  Climate  Change  Information  and  In the beginning, he went over the definitions of some
               Expert  Systems  Center  at  the  Agricultural  Research  terms such as "climate change" and "global warming",
               Center  of  the  Ministry  of  Agriculture  and  Land  in addition to explaining the mechanism of greenhouse
               Reclamation, who attended on behalf of Dr. Mohammed  gases  in  the  formation  of  the  global  warming
               Ali  Fahim,  Advisor  to  the  Minister  of  Agriculture  and  phenomenon,  while  clarifying  the  importance  of  these
               Land  Reclamation  and  Chief  of  the  Climate  Change  gases  in  maintaining  the  balance  of  the  Earth's
               Center at the Ministry of Agriculture and Dr. Nilly Kamal  temperature. Moreover, he highlighted the fact that the
               Elamir, Environmental and Development Affairs Expert.   major  industrial  countries  like  China  and  the  United
               The talk dealt with the various effects of climate change  States are the main drivers of climate change. However,
               on  food  security  and  human  security,  and  national  and  despite  that,  individual  and  societal  responsibility  are
               international efforts to confront and reduce these effects,  essential in order to face the dangers of climate change.
               especially in Egypt and the countries of the south.  He  also  clarified  that  while  Egypt  is  one  of  the  most
               Dr.  Hala  Ahmed  Al-Rashidi,  Assistant  Professor  at  the  vulnerable  countries  to  the  silent  effects  of  climate
               Department of Political Science and Director of the Center  change  -which  are  more  difficult  to  monitor  and
               began the talk by introducing the guests and emphasizing  discover- the political leadership's statements reflect the
               the extent of the danger of climate change on developing  depth  of  its  awareness  of  the  climate  issue  and  its
               countries. She also shed light on the controversial issue of  readiness for it.
               climate  justice  and  who  should  be  responsible  for  He then moved to talk about the second axis, where he
               repairing the environmental and climate damage. Does the  explained the difference between food security and self-
               weight fall on the developed countries, who are the main  sufficiency,  in  addition  to  identifying  challenges,  axes
               contributors  to  climate  change,  or  the  developing  and driving forces of food security.
               countries,  who  are  the  most  affected  by  these  changes,  He  stressed  that  had  it  not  been  for  the  proactive
               despite their small role in causing these changes?  developmental measures taken by the Egyptian state, it

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