Page 34 - Issue 48
P. 34

                                                                                  Vol.1, Issue 48, October 2022

                                                              Egyptians  are  generally  melancholic,

                                                              because of everything they have, and still,
                                                              go  through.  But  they  have  learned  to
                                          ﺔﯿﻣﻮﯿﻟا ﻲﺗﺎﺒﺟو
                                                              adapt, they complain to God and ask Him
                                                              for  patience  because  that’s  the  only
                                                              possible option. They still laugh and make

                 ﺮﻀﺧأ يﺎﺷ                                     jokes,  to  maintain  their  emotional
                                                              balance.  Humor  helps  them  release

               A lot of studies show that the general         feelings of anger so that they don’t build
               mood of Egyptian people leans more             up. This also explains why Egyptians take
                                                              ages  to  revolt.  Egyptians  use  humor  to
               toward  sadness.  This  is  also  evident      cope, survive, and get through this tough

               in our culture and civilization, where         life  they  live.  They  laugh,  even  though
               the  idea  of  death  was  central  to  the    they’re not necessarily happy. They might

               Egyptian  civilization;  the  pharaohs         even  overreact  during  happy  situations
               left  us  “the  book  of  the  dead”  and      because they fear that they won’t last.

               tombs,      not    castles.    And      we     Sometimes, there’s just nothing that could
               commemorate the death of our loved             be done to change the reality. And unless

               ones after the passage of 40 days and          we cope with dreadful situations, we’ll be
               a  year,  …  etc.  Besides  that,  other       emotionally drained.  If  humor  helps  you

               factors  affect  the  general  mood  of        cope and ease the tension, then good for
               Egyptians,  such  as  the  feeling  of         you! However, we need to be mindful of

               humiliation, political oppression, and         when we laugh. My concern here is when
               poverty.                                       we  laugh  at  inappropriate  times  and  the
                                                              fine  line  between  what’s  meme-material
               Psychologically, however, humor and            and what’s simply not, gets fainter. And
               sadness do not contradict. According           don’t get me wrong, I love having a good

               to  Dr.  Nabil  Ragheb,  an  Egyptian          laugh!  But  there  are  instances  when  we

               critic  and  writer,  although  the            need to set jokes aside and face the issue
               manifestations       of    sadness      are    at hand.
               ingrained  in  the  Egyptian  cultural

               heritage,  this  has  never  managed  to

               deprive them of their love of humor
               and joy.

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