Page 35 - Issue 48
P. 35

                                                                                  Vol.1, Issue 48, October 2022

                                               Philosophy of patience

                                        Prophet Muhammad's School

                                Mohamed Elsawy, Fourth Level, Economics

              He was born where and when no equal or like was born, and if it does not spoil her the most delicious pleasure,
              light and below it darkness covered the whole wilderness, and  it  has  the  most  patience  over  hardships  for  the
              he emerged from a people like him does not emerge from sake of lust, and if patience to refrain from it was less
              them,  and  from  the  land  of  the  wilderness,  fierce  and miserable  than  submitting  to  it,  the  first  would  be
              lonely;  People  destroy  one  another,  They  make  blood more harmful to it than the second, and the weakest
              permissible and cut off the one who is riding and the one desires prevail Its strongest.
              who walks. The worshiper is not safe in his cell, nor the So God created this soul and inspired immorality and
              infant is in the care of his mother, Their greatest piety is piety, lowliness and loftyness, and opened it to good
              the worship of the stone. He will never come out of them and evil, and from His mercy is to be afflicted with
              like him.                                        good, followed by evil, and evil followed by good; So
              And  on  this  barren  desert  also  lived  the  affluent,  the its desire is suppressed. As for the people, God gave
              worthy of blessings, the owners of prestige and authority, them all goodness, so Solomon, peace be upon him,
              for  this  is  where  two  are  born  and  between  them  is and  curse,  so  Solomon  was  more  patient  with  his
              between the east and the west ,the servant and the worthy goodness,  so  he  would  not  mislead  him.  Good  is  as
              one, The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, was hard on the soul as evil, and good leads its owner to
              among all of those a chaste eye and a heart, his eye did not destruction,  which  pure  evil  may  not  bring.  And
              extend  to  anyone’s  good,  he  was  not  envious,  no  saying perhaps it is easier for the soul to be patient with good
              nonsense.                                        that did not come to it than its patience with good that
              The  Prophet  Muhammad,  peace  be  upon  him,  was  born. came to it, to the extent that Solomon, peace be upon
              The first thing in this world he tasted was the bitterness of him,  the  Prophet,  the  son  of  the  Prophet,  was
              orphanhood, then the torment of loss, and the journey from distracted by horses from worship, so what about you,
              house to house, to finally live with his uncle, and suffer you are the servant, the son of the servant?!
              the  lives  of  men.  He  worked  in  grazing  and  trade, As for the people who were given by all harm, so His
              entrusted with the deposit, honest in his words. He married Prophet  Ayyub,  peace  be  upon  him,  and  Nimrod,
              Lady  Khadija,  may  God  be  pleased  with  her,  who  was cursed him. His Prophet came with sickness, poverty
              older than him, However, the destiny of men among Arabs and  the  death  of  children,  not  because  of  a  sin  he
              is not measured by age; Perhaps the boy would reach the committed or good that distracted him from worship,
              status of men when he was a few years old, But he is not but he is able to be patient with harm, so he does not
              like  them;  He  is  the  Prophet  Muhammad  bin  Abdullah, mislead him. And a man fought with the Prophet and
              and  say  in  him  of  manhood  and  chivalry,  and  all  the was wounded, he could not be patient with it, so he
              comprehensive  and  beautiful  meanings  and  detailed killed  himself!  And  Ayoub,  with  all  his  harm,  said:
              phrases as you wish.                             “Damage has touched me, Satan has touched me.”
              And when someone who has no equal comes before him, As for Nimrod, the king who ruled the earth and had
              what can it be except that there is no message after it?! So all  its  goodness,  and  was  unjust  and  arrogant,  and
              he hard carried it, and all his life changed; The people who placed  himself  in  the  status  of  a  god,  he  was
              called  him  the  honest  and  trustworthy  man,  then  they tormented with a severe torment, not because he was
              called  him  a  crazy  magician  man.  The  Prophet able to be patience for torment or a test for him.
              Muhammad,  peace  be  upon  him,  was  a  teacher  in  his So be patient, for among it there are poor people, and
              stillness and movement, in his speech and in his silence, they  are  the  richest,  because  of  their  lack  of  desires
              he came to teach you that the soul is made to love good. If and the suppression of their desires. And among them
              it satisfied her with a thousand needs it spent, it narrows are  the  rich,  and  they  are  the  poorest  among  them
              down one need that has not been satisfied,       from  excessive  desires  and  excessive  desires,  and
                                                               goodness is in patience with it, despite its scarcity and
                                                               abundance, for good is what God brings to all people
                                                               and deprives you.

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