Page 32 - Issue 48
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                                                                                  Vol.1, Issue 48, October 2022

              caused  by  climate  change  at  the  political  level,  and  the  political competition is taking place, as we saw in the
              third  is  the  impact  of  climate  change  on  the  map  of  recent  US  presidential  elections  between  Donald
              international relations.                        Trump and Joe Biden, who adopted two very different
              Dr.  Nilly  spoke  firstly  on  the  conceptual  level,  by  positions on climate issues.
              referring  to  the  first  time  that  environmental  problems On  the  political  institutions  level,  many  ministries
              were  linked  to  competition  for  resources  and  political concerned  with  environmental  affairs  and  climate
              conflicts, a linkage attributed to scientist Thomas Malthus  change  have  been  established.  On  the  internal  and
              in 1798. Who while linked the 2 phenomena, did not refer  external  agendas  level,  all  of  the  United  Nations
              “climate change” with that term, that did not appear until  member nations have adopted the UN goals 2030, and
              many  decades  later.  Moreover,  she  highlighted  that  the  from there each country has started to launch its own
              emergence  of  climate  change  has  been  linked  to  the  national strategies for sustainable development, such as
              coining  of  many  new  concepts  such  as:  environmental  Egypt’s Vision 2030. However, we often see that there
              security,  environmental  justice,  environmental  asylum,  is  a  lag  in  adopting  environmentally  friendly  policies
              sustainable  development  and  other  environmental because  the  free  economy  is  always  seeking  quick
              concepts.                                       profit, even at the cost of environmental degradation.
              She  also  stressed  that  using  accurate  terms  or  concepts  She  then  moved  on  to  the  third  axis,  explaining  that
              helps us see the problems more clearly, and therefore we there  is  an  ancient  and  eternal  link  between  climate
              must  question  the  linguistic  validity  of  the  term  climate change and human security. For there have been many
              change,  which  ought  to  be  replaced  by  the  term nations  to  had  to  move  from  one  place  to  another  or
              environmental degradation.                      were wiped out due to climate change that swept away
                                                              their whole countries.
                                                              Furthermore,  she  pointed  out  the  exacerbation  of  the
                                                              problem of environmental asylum, which we can now
                                                              see  in  India  and  Bangladesh,  and  for  which  the
                                                              international  law  has  been  altered  to  confront  the
                                                              effects of climate change. She also showed that women
                                                              and  children  are  the  two  groups  most  vulnerable  to
                                                              climate change.
                                                              Confirming  the  results  presented  at  the  Security
                                                              Council meeting in February 2021, which was referred
                                                              to  by  Dr.  Beelal,  Dr.  Nilly  presented  many  statistics
                                                              that prove that Africa is the continent that contains the
                                                              greatest number of armed conflicts and that it is also
              As  the  word  "change"  may  have  a  positive  or  negative  the  continent  that  contains  the  countries  most
              connotation while the word "degradation" leaves no doubt  vulnerable  to  climate  change,  which  proves  the  close
              that the intended meaning is the negative one.  relationship  between  political  conflicts  and  climate
              She then moved on to talk about the dangers facing island  change.
              states that result from climate change and the increasing  Dr.  Nilly  opted  to  end  her  presentation  on  a  positive
              risk  of  more  people  seeking  environmental  asylum  that  note, where she pointed out that environmental change
              may  occur  because  of  those  changes.  She  stressed  the  has had some positive effects on human security that
              significance  of  the  concept  of  environmental  citizenship  can be furtherly exploited, such as the expansion in the
              and the importance of individuals in facing environmental  investment in clean energy, especially in Egypt, which
              and climate issues.                             lies  at  the  heart  of  the  global  sun  belt,  and  thus  is
              As  for  the  changes  that  occurred  on  the  level  of  considered  one  of  the  richest  countries  in  the  world
              universities and research institutions, she presented some  with solar energy.
              statistics  that  prove  that  the  largest  universities  in  the  In conclusion of the talk, the guests answered audience
              world  are  those  who  are  the  best  in  environmental  questions on a variety of topics such as: the possibility
              sciences.  Moreover,  climate  change  has  also  led  to  the  of building more dams on the Nile River to solve the
              creation  of  new  college  majors  as  well  as  more  than  20  problem of water poverty, the mechanism of action of
              research institutions.                          the Early Climate Warning Unit, COP 27 and the Food
              She moved to talk about the second axis, explaining that at  and   Agriculture   Initiative   for   Sustainable
              the political level, climate change and the environmental  Transformation  (FAST)  that  will  be  launched  by  the
              dimension have become some of the biggest axes in which
                                                              President at COP 27.

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