Page 29 - Issue 48
P. 29

                                                                                  Vol.1, Issue 48, October 2022

               2-  My  grandmother,  who  is  one  of  the    Another  writer  mentions  a  series  of  weird
               distinguished  women,  after  winning  a       names  for  his  fantasy  novels,  titles  inspired
               reading competition, told me: What did you     by  his  own  imagination  (he's  my  favorite
               read to Abbas Al-Akkad, my son? She was        writer  anyway)  but  you  see!  Names  have  a
               shocked by my opinion when I told her: "I      special  nature  and  yes:  I  was  the  first  to

               do  not  think  that  Al-Akkad  writes  for  the  struggle  to  buy  this  series  with  a  strange
               general public. I tried to read to him and I   name, and they succeeded in their desire, as
               did not understand anything."                  for a curious person like me, a strange name
               And  before  I  could  finish  my  words,  as  I  for  a  novel  could  not  be  left  alone  on  the
               couldn't understand the first 15 pages of his  shelves of the publishing house.
               book  "The  Genius  of  Christ,"  she  had  a  4- For the fans of Harry Potter series of films
               sign "But why did you win a prize then?" -     by  novelist  J.K.  Rowling,  Harry's  friend
               Raising  her  right  eyebrow  while  moving    Hermione says:
               her mouth to the right.                        "When  you  call  Voldemort  -  the  villain  -
               The dread of the name, or in another way,      you  should  call  him  by  his  name,  Harry.
               was its strength for her to be called upon to  Fear  of  the  name  increases  fear  of  the
               denounce my gain, even if her words were       thing itself."
               in  jest,  but  in  any  case,  the  dread  of  the
               name had its effect.

               3-  By  mentioning  the  novels  and  the  fact
               that this topic is a “new fashion” someone
               must take the initiative to mention it: I do
               not know when, but I woke up one day and
               realized  that  all  writers  and  novelists
               believed - and perhaps agreed - that there is
               a direct relationship between the ambiguity
               of the title and the extent of the purchasing  Names have a special power and a distinctive
               power directed at the novel.                   effect  that  enters  the  inside  of  the  listeners,
               You find a writer choosing a word, what is     but  the  matter  has  gone  too  far  to  include
               meant  by  the  number  seven  in  the  Greek  linking  a  specific  name  to  an  adjective:  to
               language, how stupid I am, how did I not       mention  an  example:  If  you  find  a  person
               realize it from the beginning!
                                                              named Hitler, the first impression you might
                                                              find in your mind is bloody, Nazism, and the
                                                              extreme  right,  if  you  are  a  student  at  the
                                                              Faculty of Political Science. Therefore, being
                                                              careful  in  choosing  the  name  for  your
                                                              company  or  youth  initiative  is  one  of  the
                                                              factors of success - or perhaps failure - of that
                                                              institution, as each name has a special fear.

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