Page 25 - Issue 48
P. 25

                                                                                  Vol.1, Issue 48, October 2022

              The summer of 2000 had come  to an end and the second
              intifada or the Al-Aqsa Intifada began on September 28.
              The  intifada  began  in  response  to  the  Israeli  Likud
              party’s  storming  of  the  Al-Aqsa  Mosque  led  by  Ariel
              Sharon in the protection of two thousand Israeli soldiers
              on  September  27  for  declaring  it  an  Israeli  zone.  The
              worshipers  resisted,  resulting  in  the  death  of  7
              Palestinians and the wounding of about 250, compared to
              13  injured  Israelis.  On  the  thirtieth  of  the  same  month,
              which  is  only  two  days  after  the  beginning  of  the
              Intifada, the Arabs woke up to the tragedy of killing the
              eleven-year-old  child,  Muhammad  al-Durra,  in  his
              father’s arms. But what does the defenseless father's arm
              do in front of a torrent of treachery bullets   After  Muhammad  Al-Durra  was  martyred,  this  has
                                                              ignited the fuse of anger and awakened the Palestinian
                                                              resistance  so    this  date  has  became  engraved  in  the
                                                              memory of every Arab.
                                                              The  stones  of  the  Palestinian  resistance  have  always
                                                              faced the tanks of the occupier in an unjust war and in
                                                              the silence of the international community. Despite this,
                                                              ,  the  determination  of  these  proud  people  was  never
                                                              broken.  According  to  the  Palestinian  News  and
                                                              Information  Agency,  the  number  of  martyrs  between
                                                              3/10/2015  and  2/10/2022  amounted  to  1127  martyrs,
                                                              including 229 children, which represents about 20.3%
                                                              of the total number of martyrs.
              A  year  has  passed  since  the  beginning  of  the  Al-Aqsa
              Intifada, and the summer films start getting released, and
              so  is  the  movie  "Friends  or  Business",  which  tells  the
              story of Karim and Tariq, broadcasters of entertainment
              programs, they cared only about their success only, but
              Karim's view of things changes after the outbreak of the
              second intifada and his travel to the Palestinian territories
              to cover the events, and the events of the film moves in
              this direction.
              And  other  films  such  as  "Andaleeb  of  Dokki"  and
              "Awlad  Al-Am"  and  others.  All  of  these  are  films  that
              have  shaped  our  consciousness  in  one  way  or  another,
              some  of  them  referred  to  the  subject,  even  if  it  was  a
              comedy film, and some of them based their story on the
              events in Palestine.
              Where is the cinema from reality now? Does it talk about
              the crimes of the occupation? Are social media platforms
              enough  for  confrontation?  And  what  is  the  fate  of  the
              current  generation?  Does  this  generation  know  who
              Muhammad  al-Durra  is?  Will  this  generation  mature
              without  knowing  its  real  enemy?  Does  it  return  to  the
              appearance of Israeli models with them in the image of
              angels of peace? How does the current generation see the
              Palestinian  cause?  Too  many  questions,  and  all  are
              missing answers.

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