Page 24 - Issue 48
P. 24

                                                                                  Vol.1, Issue 48, October 2022

                                              The Cinema and the

                                         Memory of Generations

                                              Touka Samy - level 4 - economics

              Art  has  formed  a  huge  part  of  nations’  consciousness  On  the  fiftieth  anniversary  of  the  occupation  of
              through  the  ages,  and  despite  the  diversity  of  arts,  Palestine,  young  people  came  out  on  the  university
              Cinema  has  had  the  greatest  part  of  young  people's  campus calling for the United States to end the siege on
              interest,  Especially  the  nineties  generation,  the  Iraq, and for the Israeli occupation to leave the State of
              generation that experienced everything and its opposite,  Palestine.  Ahmad  drew  the  flag  of  Israel  and  Khalaf
              and rebelled against all familiar things.       burnt it to be his first time to take a serious stand in his
              It’s the summer of 1997, and the most popular outing  life and describes his relief while burning the flag.
              back then was watching a movie in the cinema, one of  Another  year  passes  and  the  movie  "Hammam  in
              the  movies  released  this  year  was  “Ismailia  Rayeh  Amsterdam" is released in the cinemas, telling the story
              Gaay”. Four years have passed since the first Palestinian  of  Hammam,  who  traveled  to  chase  his  dreams  in
              Intifada, and eight years have passed since the flag of  Holland meeting Yoda, an Israeli young man who tries
              the Arab Republic of Egypt was raised on the land of  to  woo  him  and  pretend  to  be  innocent.  Hammam
              Taba. The movie tells the story of Hema’s family that  refuses  to  shake  hands  with  him  when  he  knows  his
              was displaced from the city of Ismailia after the 1967  identity  and  political  orientation.    The  conflict
              war, receiving the news of the martyrdom of their son  continues during the events of the film, and Hammam
              Gamal  in  the  1973  war,  that’s  when  the  family  knew  defeats Yoda's attempts to harm him only when he and
              that  they  would  live  amputated  forever.  Hema  sang  his  friends  unite.  The  film  did  not  stop  there,  the
              "Eldam  dah  Damy"  for  his    dead  brother,  awakening  director  referred  to  Al-Aqsa  Mosque  more  than  once
              sadness and igniting anger within us.           through  a  painting  hanging  in  the  house  of  Hammam
              One year passed and the movie “Saidi at the American  and his friends.
              University"  was  released  in  the  cinemas  showing
              everyone  the  dreams  of  young  people  and  telling  the
              story of Khalaf, a bright young man from Upper Egypt
              who  received  a  scholarship  to  study  at  the  American
              University  in  Cairo.  Khalaf  did  not  have  a  political
              vision, or at least the movie did not show that. On the
              other hand, Ahmed, a young man with a clear political
              vision and indignant at reality. His preoccupation with
              the political situation led him to fail more than once.

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