Page 22 - Issue 48
P. 22

                                                                                  Vol.1, Issue 48, October 2022

                                            FEPS Holds a Symposium Entitled

                                                "The Glorious War of October:
                                                      Truth and Fabrication"

                                   Mayar Saber - level 4 - political science

              Not a long time ago, Egypt celebrated the glorious victory  Sinai  was  the  best  place  to  do  so  because  it  has  the
              of October, which is a source of pride for every Egyptian  Suez canal which works as a perfect fortification for
              citizen. Due to the keenness of Faculty of Economics and  Israel,  in  addition  to  an  earthen  berm  that  was  also
              Political  Sciences  to  spread  knowledge  and  correct  equipped and was armed with soldiers. Not only that,
              misconceptions  among  its  students,  it  held  a  symposium  Israel also built (The Bar Lev Line) which was a chain
              under  the  supervision  of  Prof.  Mamdouh  Ismail,  Vice  of  fortifications  built  along  the  eastern  area  of  the
              Dean  for  the  Community  Service  and    Environmental  Suez  Canal  which  they  claimed  is  impenetrable.
              Development.  The  educational  symposium  entitled  "The  Several states were interfering as a meditator between
              Glorious  October  War:  Truth  and  Fabrication"  was  held  Egypt and Israel but they failed because Israel refused
              on Tuesday, the eighteenth of October 2022,  and pleased  the principle of (Land For Peace ).
              to  introduce  Major  General  Hesham  Al-Halaby,  the  But why did Israel accept the same principle (Land
              advisor at the Nasser Military Academic and member of  For Peace) after the war?
              the  Egyptian  Council  for  Foreign  Affairs  to  lead  this  Dr. Al Halaby assured that Israel surrender happened
              symposium .                                      because Egypt has broken down the Israeli theory of
              Prof. Mamdouh Ismail started to talk about the importance  security which was claimed to be unbroken. And what
              of the symposium and the messages it carries and Dr. Al-  is  considered  as  a  real  miracle  is  the  used  military
              Halaby  started  his  talk  by  saying  that  the  most  precious  equipment  and  weapons  which  were  so  primitive
              thing  that  Egypt  has  is  its  ambitious  youth  who  seek  to  compared to the American and Israeli ones. So it was
              gain  knowledge  and  assertion  the  doubt  with  certainty  destined for war to happen within the limits of Egypt's
              regarding  his  knowledge.  In  order  to  really  do  this  we  limited possibilities.
              need  to  find  out  the  answer  to  some  common  questions
              regarding the 6th of October war...
              Why did Israel occupy Sinai in 1976?
              "The answer is because of the strategic depth of occupied
              Palestine is hardly there which means that, wars inside it
              are  definitely  lost,  so  their  best  alternative  is  to  fight
              outside the Palestinian lands", Al Halaby said.

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