Page 26 - Issue 48
P. 26

                                                                                  Vol.1, Issue 48, October 2022

                                     The Other Side of the Coin:


                                         Nada AbdulBaset AbdulRahman - Level 3 - Political Science

                Withdrawal of nationality can make the citizen’s
                life a hell on earth, but what if the citizen is born
                Our  nationality  constitutes  a  big  share  of  our
                identity, and it is what expresses our belonging
                to a certain homeland and, to an entire life, too.
                Without  it,  we  do  not  only  lose  our
                belongingness  to  the  state  but  also  the
                advantages accompanying it.
                There  are  around  10  million  stateless  (also  But why do people become stateless?
                known as Bidoon) around the globe and over one
                third of them are, unfortunately, children. There  Actually,  there  are  multiple  reasons
                are  cases  in  which  one  is  born  stateless  and  in  that produce such kind of complexity.
                others  becomes  stateless.  The  international  Some are related to religion, some to
                definition of this phenomena is: “a person who is  national  laws  and  others  due  to  the
                not considered as a national by any State under
                the operation of its law”. And by being stateless,  emergence  of  new  states  after
                you are not a citizen.                          independence.
                Statelessness  deprive  its  parties  from  the  very  The  first  reason  is  the  emergence  of
                basic rights that any human deserves; education,  new  states  after  colonization.  The
                healthcare  services  and  even  opening  a  bank  newly  independent  state  announces
                account! In order to get to know more about this
                status, there is a need to know why it exists.  the  registration  of  the  nationality;  in
                                                                which the nationals,

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