Page 27 - Issue 48
P. 27

                                                                                  Vol.1, Issue 48, October 2022

                 the  original  residents  of  the  territory  should
                 register  their  nationality  in  the  new
                 government  and  for  special  circumstances,
                 they couldn’t.  This is the reason why there is
                 a multiplicity of the Bidoon in Kuwait.
                 One  other  reason  is  not  registering  mixed
                 marriage  in  the  government.  Mixed  marriage
                 is that kind of marriage that happens between
                 two  persons  of  different  religious  beliefs.
                 Some  governments  oppose  this  kind  of
                 marriage and consider it as illegitimate, such
                  as the Syrian government. This resulted in a
                 large number of Bidoon. Maha Mamo, is one
                 of  them  who  recently  was  granted  the
                 Brazilian  nationality.  She  is  a  daughter  to  a
                 Syrian Muslim mother and a Syrian Christian   To a Brighter and More “Recognizing Future”
                 father.                                       The  world  is  moving  now  towards  recognizing

                                                               the stateless. Political and human rights activists
                                                               suggested many solutions in addition to the role
                                                               done by the international organizations.
                                                               The Kuwaiti Bidoon (the stateless of Kuwait) for
                                                               example were suggested that some of them who
                                                               fought in the wars would be granted the Kuwaiti
                                                               nationality  while  the  rest  of  them  to  be  granted
                                                               the nationality of a less populated country.
                                                               Stateless Conventions were another manifestation
                                                               by  the  international  community  to  end
                 The problem with statelessness is that it does  statelessness.  Two  stateless  conventions  were
                 not restrict its harms on one specific group,  held,  one  in  1954  and  the  other  in  1961.  These
                 but almost any group. Children for example    conventions  were  partly  successful.  About
                 are  of  the  groups  that  are  largely      300,000  stateless  in  Bangladesh  were  finally
                 disadvantaged  by  such  issue.  From  the    registered  and  recognized  as  citizens  thanks  to
                 moment they are born, they are recognized     these conventions. Cote d’Iviore solved the issue
                 as “non-person”. Their birth is not registered  from  its  roots  and  amended  its  citizenship  laws
                 in  the  government,  they  lack  IDs  and  the  which opened the door to around 70,000 stateless
                                                               to acquire nationality.
                 harms go on to the extend that may not be     “I Belong”, a campaign launched by the UNHCR
                 educated.  Other  handicapped  group  is  the  in 2014 aims at ending statelessness in the next
                 couples or future parents. Some couples get   ten years, by 2024.
                 hesitant  when  it  comes  to  marriage.  They  Reading  about  statelessness  was  a  bit  of  an
                 fear  the  consequences  of  bequeathing  their  absurd journey. At the beginning, I did not even
                 Statelessness to their children. Others marry  realize  that  such  cases  existed  in  our  world.  At
                 and divorce for the same reason. They will    the  end,  statelessness  will  remain  a  remarkable
                 surely not be able to secure future for them.  issue  that  the  global  community  should  shed
                 And  in  all  cases,  life  becomes  a  harder  more light on, and most importantly, recognize its
                 mission to live as a stateless person.

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