Page 28 - Issue 48
P. 28

                                                                                  Vol.1, Issue 48, October 2022

                                     Fear of the Name

                                   Youssef Grant - Level 2 - Political Science

               1- Ever since I passed my basic education and I But I remained in my place and fear seemed
               love the stage. And no, I did not have a sweet to  seep  out  to  appear  on  my  face.
               voice or a strong throat, but I loved standing on Conversations  and  even  more  that  fell  into
               the stage.                                      my  mind,  I  think  that  there  is  no  bad
               Because of my simple experience in evoking the situation that my mind has been emptied of
               conversation  even  if  it  was  not  sufficiently recounting in front of me, but why all this?
               prepared  for  it,  the  program  and  program - It's the fear of the name.
               officials  liked  to  make  me  the  role  of  the Dr. Ahmed Khaled Tawfiq says: Were it not
               “announcer” of the party, which we call “host”.  for  the  fact  that  the  author  of  this  play
               I remember that on one occasion I was offered to was Shakespeare, I would have thrown it
               present a party belonging to my governorate and in  the  garbage  or  replaced  it  with  five
               I  agreed  without  knowing  its  details,  as  I  saw Mickey  magazines  from  Hajj  Ahmed..
               that  it  was  not  the  first  time  that  I  presented Indeed, some names have fear!
               paragraphs  at  a  party  like  this  -  this  is  what  I
               The next morning, and before I started to go up
               on the stage to train, the organization’s official
               announced:  “Concentrate  because  the  brigade
               might come along with the colonel / so-and-so.”.
               I  didn't  even  wait  to  find  out  who  the  invited

               brigade was, and I don't have the experience that
               makes  me  know  who  this  colonel  is  just  by
               hearing his name.

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