Page 31 - Issue 48
P. 31
Vol.1, Issue 48, October 2022
would not have been able to confront the two catastrophes that the countries that are not causing the global
of the Covid-19 pandemic and the Ukrainian-Russian war, warming crisis are the ones who bear the brunt of
which made Egypt at risk of facing severe famines. correcting the path. Where they are forced to face huge
Speaking of the relationship between the two previous financial burdens to transform their farming and
axes, Dr. Beelal pointed out that the issues of food livestock raising methods to zero-carbon ones.
security and climate change suddenly occupied a great Dr. Beelal then ended his presentation with mentioning
place in international discussions with no previous the most important methods that Egypt is using to face
warnings. climate change threats and adapt to it, the most
Where for the first time, the Security Council conjured a important of which are:
meeting in February 2021 under the title “Peace and Raising the efficiency of the Egyptian infrastructure,
Climate” where they indicated the existence of a strong as it helps Egypt achieve greater resilience, which
relationship between climate change and most of the he described as an "impenetrable wall against
current conflicts in the world. They reasoned that conflicts climate change."
break out due to the insecurity resulting from climate Hayah Karima Initiative.
change and the competition for the limited resources that The Ministry of Agriculture’s inclination to the
seem to be constantly decreasing. This coincided with the production of short-lived, high-yielding strategic
inclusion of climate change as the focal point of the “Food crops.
Systems Summit 2021” for the first time ever. The launch of the Early Climate Warning Unit in
In a signal that even though the developed countries 2021, which provides recommendations to farmers
-who are the main drivers of climate change- are not regarding irrigation, fertilization and weather
committed to reducing their carbon emissions nor are they changes in order to be able to adapt in advance to
committed to their responsibility towards the affected climate changes.
countries, they are forcing the rest of the countries to Dr. Nilly then began her presentation, which was
commit to a global reduction, regardless the contribution centered around the change caused by climate change,
of these countries to the total emissions. European by pointing out the fact that countries all over the world
countries are also obliging exporting countries to abide by were late in responding to scientists’ and researchers’
the criteria they set to cut down carbon emissions, which warnings about the dangers of climate change, which
fall under their “From Farm to Fork” strategy. first began in the seventies of the last century, while the
Which turns the matter of contributing to the reduction of topic moved to the international arena in the beginning
carbon emissions from voluntary to obligatory. As exports of the first decade of this century.
are one of the most important foreign currency sources for Accordingly, her talk revolved around three main axes;
developing countries, which they in turn use to import the first is the change caused by climate change at the
their essential food items. This brings us back to the fact theoretical (research) level, the second is the change