Page 33 - Issue 48
P. 33

                                                                                  Vol.1, Issue 48, October 2022

                                         Laughter at Times of


                                                                 Aliaa Ali - Level 4 - Political Science
                 “If you can’t change what you are dealing with, you can at least change how you
                                    view it. Humor gives us the power to do that”

               Right after the Central Bank of Egypt announced
               the Floatation of the Egyptian pound, there was a
               flood of memes about the issue on all social media
               platforms.  This  reaction,  however,  is  not
               surprising. Remember when the Evergreen ship got
               stuck in the Suez Canal and disrupted global trade?
               Or  when  the  Corona  virus  started  to  spread  and
               governments  all  over  the  world  imposed  a
               lockdown?  People  had  a  similar  reaction,  they
               created  memes  about  these  issues!  I’ve  gotten  so
               used to this reaction, that I didn’t realize how odd
               it  was.  How  come  we  create  memes  about  such
               serious  matters?  But  apparently,  there’s  a
               relationship between comedy and tragedy.
               Psychologists  assert  that  humor  during  tough
               situations  is  very  beneficial.  To  clarify,  humor  This phenomenon is not limited to Egyptians,
               helps  us  cope,  recover  and  heal  from  stressful it’s  universal.  However,  let’s  take  a  closer
               situations. It helps us “detach” from the trauma for look  at  the  Egyptian  character  in  particular.

               a  few  moments  and  have  a  break  from  the  Egyptians  are  known  for  being  sarcastic,
               emotional  chaos.  Laughter  helps  neutralize  and  humorous,  and  funny.  Nevertheless,  this
               release energy-draining emotions such as anger or  doesn’t  necessarily  mean  that  they’re  happy
               tension and restores our sense of balance. It makes  people.
               us feel stronger, hopeful, and resilient.

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