Page 19 - Issue 48
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                                                                                  Vol.1, Issue 48, October 2022

                66% reads arabic version, 32.1% for english,            23.6% always reads ELITE, 65.1%
                          1.9 reads the french                         occasionally, 11.3% rarely reads ELITE.
               updated with all the national and international events and presenting them in an easy analytical form for readers
               with all sorts of backgrounds. Moreover, Short Stories are one our issue’s main highlights, where students get to
               share their artistic side and express themselves in a literary way. Graduates and Public Figures’ Interviews were
               indeed greatly regarded not only by readers, but especially by Elite editors as they are living example of FEPS’s
               Excellence and Success. Over the course of the four years, we have succeeded in conducting several interviews
               with  a  variety  Ministers  and  Diplomats  like  H.E.  Ambassador  Rakha  Ahmed  Hassan,  H.E.  Ambassador
               Mohamed  ElOraby,  H.E.Ambassador  Moshira  Khattab,  H.E.  Ambassador  Neveen  ElHusseiny,  the  former
               Minister of Planning Dr Ashraf ElAraby, and many more public figures who were always very welcoming and
               showed great admiration and appreciation for our team’s eloquence and tact.
               Another segment that has been a distinguishing Elite feature is the Press Investigations, many trending social
               topics have been a target of our investigation and received very positive feedback by students and professors.
               Such  a  segment  gives  us  the  opportunity  to  be  closer  to  the  people,  listen  to  their  different  viewpoints  and
               express the public’s opinion. Furthermore, covering and sharing Exclusive FEPS Events is something
               that readers found very special. We are always provided with exclusive content from the faculty’s administration
               and access to a wide range of events.
               As mentioned before, your constant feedback is what ensures our continuity and provides us with
               excellence, thus we asked our readers for suggestions about content and features that they would like to see
               more of. A great deal of proposals suggested we include more articles and reports covering both national and
               international news from an analytical perspective. Additionally, some recommended we write about linking our
               curricula -especially at higher levels- with jobs in the labor market, in order for students to have a sense of how
               what they study is applied in the real world. In addition to this, making more writing competitions between
               students  with  the  winning  articles  being  featured  in  our  monthly  issue  was  requested  by  many  of  the
               respondents. All these suggestions and many more will surely be looked into by our team.

                  very enjoyable      enjoyable    ordinary   boring   so boring

                        ALUMIN interviews              FEPS EVENTS                 PRESS REPORTS

           #4YEARS_ELITE                                                                             17
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