Page 9 - Issue 63
P. 9
Vol.1 Issue 63 January 2024Vol.1 Issue 63, May 2024 ELITE
the election propaganda and the people's of the importance of women participation
ability to understand the candidates, and in politics, and how to participate to
whether they have the ability to distinguish if exercise their political rights. I prepared
what a certain candidate is saying is practical this guide for women about political
and attainable or not? participation, which came with the 2020
elections, and the guide was available at all
Lately, the people have been more aware branches of the National Council for
than ever when it comes to the political Women.
realism. Since the country's issue can not
tackled overnight, so how do we choose a Moreover, there are training guides about
candidate who has a practical vision? gender, which represent the most
important gender issues and how to deal
This research paper was published in a peer- with them. Also, the council holds several
reviewed journal, not a book. So, winning seminars and lectures about women's
this award always encourages me that any training. This guide was peer-reviewed at
scientific paper can win awards, even if not the highest level, as it was presented to the
because of quantity, but because of quality legislative committee, supervised by Dr.
(content). Maya Morsi and Dr. Nisreen Al-
The research paper generally focused on the
importance of providing candidates with Actually, there are several important issues
resources fairly, in terms of media and related to women, including awareness and
coverage, and to allow each candidate to economic empowerment. Currently, the
present his own program, so that elections national project to empower the Egyptian
becomes transparent and obtains legitimacy family has many axes (legislative,
from the people. educational, and service). Regarding the
awareness issue, unemployment among
6.Dr. Hanan is a member in the training females is three times that of among males.
committee in the National Council for
Women. How is the nature of training related Awareness and economic empowerment
to political work in one way or another, and are the very crucial for Egyptian women,
what are the urgent issues that you consider in order to be able to contribute to Egypt’s
important related to women? progress. Because if a woman got
economically empowered, this creates a
Since I work as an external expert, I provide sense of independence for her, and will let
recommendations and scientific her be responsible for her own decisions,
contributions that benefit the Council in its and foster her desire to learn in order to
work. The committee is composed of a enhance her overall level. Also, regarding
number of members, including those the social dimension, that makes her able
specializing in culture, environment, and law. to deal with society, responsible, and
Each of the members prepared training capable of making her own decisions.
guides, according to our specialization. Since Women are not only half of society, they
I specialize in Political Science, I provided a actually represent the half of society in
training guide to raise awareness numerical terms, but she is the one who
raises and upbrings the other half.