Page 7 - Issue 63
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Vol.1 Issue 63 January  2024Vol.1 Issue 63, May  2024                   ELITE

                  In general, the center in general is considered        The  center  provides  the  researchers  with
                  the  oldest  research  organization  in  the         the required trainings, as it gives them the

                  Middle East. Its role is essentially to inform       opportunity  to  write  researches  in  the
                  the  decision-maker  and  provide  data  for         center’s magazines and journals. There are
                  scientific  studies  that  give  the  decision-      scientific publications (the National Social
                  makers  all  possible  information  about            Journal  is  a  peer-reviewed  scientific
                  crucial  societal  issues  in  addition  to  their   periodical  and  has  a  grade  of  7  by  the
                  solutions,  because  the  center  focuses            Supreme Council of Universities, which is
                  primarily  on  empirical  studies,  not  just        the  highest  grade,  and  the  National

                  theoretical studies.                                 Criminal Journal has a grade of 7 as well.).
                                                                       So, the center provides its researchers with
                  Most of the time, we conduct questionnaires          opportunities  to  scientifically  interact  and
                  and  surveys  to  accurately  determine  the         cooperate  with  researchers  in  other
                  problem,  and  after  that  we  seek  the            institutions.
                  assistance  of  specialists  to  tackle  those

                  problems and provide us with solutions.              Also,  the  Center  organizes  a  conference
                                                                       that discusses a specific issue on an annual
                  Eventually,  we  combine  the  practical  and        basis.  This  year,  it  mainly  focused  on  the
                  theoretical  efforts  in  order  to  provide  the    Egyptian  countryside.  The  Center  always
                  decision-makers  with  recommendations  on           participates  in  the  Cairo  International
                  how to tackle such issues, so we can say that        Book  Fair  as  well.  It  is  also  interested  in
                  the role of the center is basically a scientific     conducting researches about issues related

                  role.                                                to   illegal   immigration     and    human
                  Moreover,  there  are  other  departments
                  relevant  to  crime,  criminal  treatment,  in       When I graduated from FEPS, I was one
                  addition  to  the  chemical  department.  The        of the top-achievers on my class, but I did
                  center has a great history in studying drugs         not reach the first or the second rank. So,

                  and  working  to  combat  addiction  issues,  in     when  I  knew  that  the  center  was  hiring
                  addition  to  the  environmental  issues.            teaching assistants, I decided to apply for
                  Additionally,  The  center's  primary  research      that  position.  The  final  grade  was  one  of
                  activity is the role it plays in training courses    the  requirements  to  join  the  center,  in
                  (training for Arab officers), which works to         addition  to  passing  the  written  and  oral
                  provide them with training to enhance their          exam.
                  knowledge  and  skills  in  detecting  crimes

                  using modern methods.                                So,  I  joined  the  center  as  a  teaching
                                                                       assistant, then an assistant lecturer, then I
                  The center also provides all the entities and        obtained my PhD degree with an excellent
                  institutions inside Egypt with trainings. For        grade.  I  was  always  keen  on  staying
                  instance,  There  was  a  specialized  course        punctual  and  committed,  and  developing

                  provided  by  the  center  for  the  members  of     myself in many areas. I also made sure to
                  the  Public  Prosecution  and  the  General          conduct  the  largest  possible  number  of
                  Information  Service,  in  addition  to  other       researches  in  order  to  stick  to  and
                  courses  for  members  of  the  Ministry  of         maintain my level.
                  Social Solidarity.
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