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Vol.1 Issue 63 January  2024Vol.1 Issue 63, May  2024                   ELITE

                  After  that,  I  was  promoted  to  assistant        One of the most important advantages of
                  professor  at  least  five  years  after  obtaining  the center is that, any issue I study stems

                  my  PhD  degree.  Then  I  thought  about            from the interest of every other professor,
                  obtaining    the    professorship     until    I     so  it  is  characterised  by  diversity.
                  accomplished  that,  thanks  to  God,  and  I        Therefore,  the  research  requirements
                  even  completed  more  than  the  required           required  by  the  ministries  are  integrated
                  researches  due  to  the  various  changes  that     with  the  interests  of  faculty  members.  In
                  happened in the society. Also, there are even        addition,  all  of  the  researches  that  were
                  stated  requirements  for  choosing  the  Head       previously  conducted  get  updated  on  a

                  for  the  Political  Science  department.            regular  basis.  Also,  the  center  allows
                  Personally,  I  always  feel  that  I  bear  the     conducting individual researches, so not all
                  names  of  two  prestigious  institutions  which     of  the  researches  are  group  researches.
                  as  the  Faculty  of  Economics  and  Political      Individual     researches      usually     get
                  Science,  and  the  National  Center  for  Social    conducted  for  a  conference  or  a  social  or
                  and Criminal Research.                               criminal journal.

                  One  thing  that  I  will  never  forget,  is  that
                  when  I  asked  one  of  my  professor  about
                  what  to  do  after  graduation,  as  I  was
                  hesitated  between  either  to  kickstart  my
                  career in the job market or start pursuing my
                  master’s  degree.  <During  this  period,  you

                  need to enhance your overall knowledge, but
                  at  the  same  time,  this  will  not  hinder  you
                  from joining the labor market = he answered.

                  In my opinion, what is more important is to
                  be  keen  to  keep  working  hard,  in  order  to    5.Dr  Hanan  won  the  State  Encouragement
                                                                       award  over  a  research  titled  <Features  of
                  attain what you desire.
                                                                       Electoral  Propaganda  in  light  of  the  legal
                                                                       controls    for   the    2020     House     of
                  There  are  major  research  programs  carried
                  out by the center, such as (the social report        Representatives  elections=,  tell  us  more
                                                                       about  this  research  paper,  and  why  do  you
                  that studies the Egyptian family in terms of         think it gained this much of appreciation?
                  health  and  environment).  We  work  on
                  samples from the Central Agency for Public

                  Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) that            What distinguishes this award is that it is
                                                                       for researchers under 40 years old, it also
                  represent Egyptian society as a whole. There         requires  from  the  researchers  to  apply
                  are special programs for conducting research
                  about  poverty,  slum  development,  youth           through a research other than the one they
                  programs, and security threats against youth.        conducted  for  the  PhD  degree.  This
                                                                       researchh  paper  was  particularly  chosen,
                  All the societal issues that may concern the         because  it  covers  a  recent  period  of  time,
                  Egyptian  society  were  studied  by  the  center
                  because it consists of many departments and          the  capability  of  the  Egypt  to  organize
        8                                                              elections  despite  the  Corona  pandemic,
                  covers all the societal issues.
                                                                       and at the same time,
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