Page 5 - Issue 63
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Vol.1 Issue 63 January  2024Vol.1 Issue 63, May  2024                   ELITE

                  3.From  your  point  of  view,  how  does  the       stress during my years at FEPS. At FEPS,
                  Political  Science  department  shape  its           I learnt how to set my priorities, be able to

                  students’ personalities?                             work  under  pressure,  time  management,
                                                                       and crisis management skills. additionally,
                  Since  I  joined  the  university,  I  was  always   I  learnt  how  to  work  from  the  very  first
                  eager to learn from my professors in order to        day  at  FEPS.  I  also  learnt  to  have  a
                  gain  experience  in  dealing  with  the  society.   forward-loking  vision  towards  applying
                  FEPS’s  professors  do  not  only  provide           for particular jobs in the future.
                  knowledge  to  their  students,  but  they  also

                  represent  a  role  model  when  it  comes  to
                  respect, appreciation, and providing students
                  with self-confidence. All the faculty members
                  deal  with  all  the  students  humbly,  which
                  establishes  in  their  minds  that  all  of  the
                  faculty  members  work  to  help  the  students,

                  and fulfil their desires. In addition, studying
                  political  science  formulates  the  students’
                  personalities  in  terms  of  critical  thinking,
                  that  is  because  of  studying  a  science  that    As  we  mainly  study  subjects  and  courses
                  contributes to having a better understanding         relevant  to  the  contemporary  issues,  and
                  of  the  society  and  the  structure  of  the       there  are  various  activities  that  usually
                  international  system,  in  addition  to  having     take  place  at  FEPS  such  as  the  annual

                  better  understning  of  various  dimensions         employment  fair,  holding  interviews  with
                  within the country.
                                                                       important personalities and figures, all of
                                                                       this created an atmosphere full of passion
                  That  is  why  FEPS  graduates  do  not  fall  in    towards  constant  learning  within  the
                  the  trap  of  the  ideology  brilliance,  because   students.
                  most of the students are qualified enough to

                  critise  any  kind  of  information  the  receive    FEPS  is  also  characterized  by  diversity
                  and  understand  its  different  dimensions.         among  its  students,  so  you  can  find  on
                  Meanwhile,  there  are  other  students  at          campus  many  local  cultures,  cultures  of
                  prestigious faculties, who do not own critical       other  countries,  in  addition  to  hosting
                  thinking  skills,  and  consequently,  it  is  easy  refugees,  which  established  in  our  minds
                  for  various  exremist  groups  to  make  use  of    the idea of citizenship, respecting different
                                                                       perspectives  of  others,  and  how  to  deal

                                                                       with  a  diverse  community.  We  usually
                  Interaction played a crucial role throughout         have  the  freedom  to  take  our  own
                  my  learning  journey  at  FEPS,  as  it  did  not   decisions, so we are totally responsible for
                  depend  on  mere  memorization.  The  several        them.  We  also  learnt  how  to  be  self-
                  assignments  that  we  had  to  deal  with,          decplined  through  attending  summer

                  specially in the Political Science department,       camps.
                  represented a great help for me to deal with
                  stress,  so  I  was  not  shocked  when  I  had  to
                  deal  with  stress  when  I  started  my  career
                  journey, because I got used to this much of
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