Page 10 - Issue 63
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Vol.1 Issue 63 January  2024Vol.1 Issue 63, May  2024                   ELITE

                  When we focus on the economic, social and            services,  achieve  satisfaction,  and  at  the
                  political  empowerment  women,  the  next            same  time  increase  their  sense  od

                  generation will definitely become empowered          belonging.  For  example,  the  Decent  Life
                  and  capable  at  all  levels.  Also,  another       Initiative, many of people and groups are
                  urgent  issue  is  population  growth  and           expressing  their  happiness  about  this
                  increase  because  it  destroys  the  fruits  of     project.
                                                                        We also must pay attention to investing in
                  7.We  are  hosting  a  high-class  researcher  in    educating    citizens.   Additionally,    the

                  Egyptian  affairs.  What  are  the  most             relationship  between  the  role  of  women
                  important  challenges  facing  the  Egyptian         and men is a complementary relationship,
                  society? How can we confront them? And what          as  men  must  believe  in  women’s  role  and
                  are    the     most     important     available      that they is his partner in the development
                  opportunities?                                       process.

                  I  believe  that  local  elections  must  be  held,  Localities  also  have  an  economic  aspect,
                  because  the  Egyptian  citizen  becomes  very       because  along  with  the  partnerships  they
                  happy  with  the  simplest  things,  and  they       create  with  the  private  sector  in  the
                  appreciate  the  efforts  of  the  Egyptian          governorates,  the  city,  or  civil  society
                  government  in  all  fields.  We  are  a  country    groups  ,  they  have  the  ability  to  develop
                  full  of  diversity,  and  each  governorate  is     projects  and  provide  benefits  for  local
                  characterised  by  certain  features  that           citizens.  Every  governorate  has  problems,

                  differentiate it from other governorates.  In        and the ones who see this are the localities.
                  my opinion, the ones who are able to benefit
                  from  these  advantages  are  the  localities        8.What is your vision regarding the regional
                  because they are the ones who are capable to         situation,  and  the  ongoing  war  between
                  create  local  development  that  is  consistent     Palestine  and  Israel,  and  to  what  extent
                  with development at the state level.                 does it affect Egypt?

                  Over  the  past  years,  we  used  to  face  a       The  regional  situation  is  extremely
                  fundamental challenge in the Egypt, which is         damgerous, because this war threatens the
                  centralization,    whereas     services    were      Palestinian cause, but at the same time, the
                  concentrated  in  Cairo  unlike  all  other          right-wing  coalition  in  Palestine  is
                  regions, which is called the spatial gap. This       extremely extremist because it is based on
                  indicates  the  achievement  of  development,        an alliance of religious parties. Therefore,

                  however, its consequences are not equal.             the  basic  dilemma  for  the  Israeli  Prime
                                                                       Minister  is  to  put  his  desire  for  political
                  Regarding  the  issue  of  population  increase,     survival  and  governance  over  any  other
                  there  must  be  a  population  in  all              goals,  as  he  does  not  want  to  reach  to  a
                  governorates, even deserted governorates. In         deal.

                  order  to  accommodate  the  population
                  increase,  there  must  be  a  demand  for  new      He  is  extremely  strict  towards  the
                  cities,  so  that  localities  can  accommodate      Palestinian  issue  because  if  he  eases  that
                  population growth, improve the quality of            position, his extremist partners from the
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