Page 14 - Issue 63
P. 14

Vol.1 Issue 63, May  2024
                  Vol.1 Issue 63 January  2024                                            ELITE
                It  is  worth  that  this  year  could  be  the  fourth  or
                fifth for the Ministry of Planning, which allowed
                us  to  meet  a  number  of  students  and  offer  a
                number  of  training  courses  according  to  the
                students' needs.

                Over  these  four  years,  what  changes  or
                developments can be observed?
                                                                    The  editors  of  Elite  newspaper  concluded  this

                                                                    report  with  a  discussion  with  Dr.  Hanan
                Students are paying more attention to internships   Mohamed  Ali,  Acting  Dean  of  the  Faculty  of
                and training courses than in previous years.
                                                                    Economics and Political Science, who, as usual,
                                                                    welcomed  this  report.  She  was  asked  several
                                                                    questions, the most prominent of which were:

                                                                    What does this year's fair represent?
                                                                    This  fair  is  the  24th,  reflecting  the  significant
                                                                    efforts   made     by    the    students,    staff,
                                                                    administration, and hosting organizations. This
                                                                    year  shows  greater  diversity  among  entities:
                                                                    banks,  companies,  institutions,  civil  society,
                                                                    research  centers,  ministries,  and  others,  which
                 The Faculty of Economics and Political Science     increases year after year.
                 is  committed  to  addressing  the  shortcomings
                 observed in previous years, and one of the most    Why  is  the  Faculty  of  Economics  and  Political
                 notable  problems  we  faced  last  year  was  the  Science interested in this annual event?

                 high  temperature.  This  was  addressed  after    This  interest  stems  from  the  uniqueness  and
                 covering the entire area.                          distinction  of  the  faculty  and  its  keenness  to
                                                                    provide employment and training opportunities
                 Although  having  a  single  day  for  the  fair,  for  its  students.  This  opportunity  is  an
                 despite  its  focus  and  benefits,  made  us,  as  application of all that they have learned and an
                 editors  of  Elite,  miss  out  on  conducting     opportunity to open up to society.
                 meetings with all participating entities, as each
                 entity has contributed to the fair.                In  addition  to  the  job  fair,  how  does  the  faculty
                                                                    provide suitable job opportunities for its students?
                 For      example,       several     institutions,  The  Employment  and  Training  Unit  at  the
                 organizations,  and  banks  were  mentioned,       faculty provides a number of jobs and training
                 including  Banque  Misr,  the  Housing  and        opportunities  periodically  by  communicating
                 Development  Bank,  Faisal  Islamic  Bank,  the    with  some  entities  and  selecting  a  number  of
                 Intro Group, the Consumer Protection Agency,       graduates that suit the job requirements.

                 the  Ministries  of  Youth  and  Sports,  Planning
                 and  Economic  Development,  Supply  and
                 Internal    Trade,     the    Internal     Trade
                 Development  Authority,  the  Central  Agency
                 for  Organization  and  Administration,  and  the
                 Central  Agency  for  Public  Mobilization  and
                 Statistics, in addition to a number of companies
                 and institutions contributing to the fair.
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