Page 19 - Issue 63
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Vol.1 Issue 63 January  2024Vol.1 Issue 63, May  2024                    ElITE

                 It  was  dug  into  a  rocky  cliff  and  the       However,  it  is  interesting  to  note  that  this
                 entrance had 4 colossal statues measuring 20        also came at a great cost to Egypt. But how?

                 m  high  representing  king  Ramses  II.  This      Since the project involved a large number of
                 temple  created  for  and  by  Ramses               countries,  each  benefited  its  own  interests,
                 showcases      one     of     the    traditional    financing  or  technical  and  scientific
                 iconographic styles of his reign. His colossal      cooperation had a cost. And this cost is also
                 statues  legitimize  and  strengthen  his  reign    our heritage. In fact, towards the end of the

                 given that he does not come from pure royal         campaign       the     Egyptian      authorities
                 origins.  Abu  Simbel  is  also  a  scientific      abandoned  some  Nubian  monuments
                 marvel.  Because  the  sun  rays  illuminate        intentionally (or not) with the publication of
                 twice a year the statues of the <Holy of the        Decree  No.  4647  of  1966  which  confirmed
                 Holies=  or  the  naos  of  the  temple.  During    the  sending  of  5  temples  abroad.  Notably
                 the 60s the UNESCO adopted the Swedish              the  Roman  temple  of  Dandour  in  the
                 project,  which  involved  cutting  and             United  States  (exhibited  at  the  Met
                 reassembling the blocks, 65 m north of the          Museum), the temple of Debod in Spain, the

                 original  site.  Just  like  a  puzzle,  the  blocks  temple  of  Tafa  in  the  Netherlands,  the
                 measuring  tons  finally  reconstructed  the        temple  of  Ellessiya  in  Italy  and  the
                 new site in 1968.                                   Ptolemaic gate of Kalabsha in Germany.

                 The  campaign  led  to  the  replacement  of
                 Amada,  Kalabsha  temples,  in  addition  of
                 the  <Egyptian  pearl=  the  Greco-Roman

                 Philae  temple  dedicated  to  the  goddess
                 Isis…  The  project  was  finally  concluded  in
                 1980, and it has helped establishing the base

                 and  the  mechanisms  of  protection  and
                 preservations  of  the  treasures  of  humanity,    An example of the expatriated temples: Debod temple moved to
                 mainly  after  the  publication  of  1972           Spain after the Nubia Campaign
                 concerning  the  protection  of  cultural          During  Nasser’s  period,  the  Egyptian
                 heritage by the UNESCO, the campaign has           government didn’t have as much conscience

                 inspired    many      more      campaigns      of  about the protection of ancient monuments,
                 preservation  around  the  world.  It  is  also    just  like  we  do  now.  However,  to  what
                 important to say that a similar project is a       extent  this  action  lead  by  the  government

                 remarkable  addition  to  Egyptian  tourism        forced us to take a step back by expatriating
                 sector, because temples like Abu Simbel or         our  own  monuments?  Whereas  now  we
                 Philae  for  example,  attract  millions  of       advocate  for  the  return  of  monuments
                 visitors  each  year.  The  project  war  also  a  present  in  museums  around  the  world  for
                 great  addition  for  international  diplomacy     example,  the  Rosetta  stone,  the  bust  of

                 in  order  to  preserve  world  heritage  despite  Nefertiti,  Dendara’s  zodiac,  and  many
                 the tensions of the Cold War.                      others.
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