Page 20 - Issue 63
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Vol.1 Issue 63 January  2024Vol.1 Issue 63, May  2024                   ELITE

                                      The Citadel Massacre... anniversary of the

                                                         birth of modern Egypt

                                         AbuBakr Mamoon - Second Year - Political Sciences - English Section
                  On  March  1st,  1811,  Amin  Bey,  the           And  who  had  taken  oaths  from  him  at  the

                  Mamluk,  was  invited  to  a  lavish  dinner  by  beginning of his reign, by dismissing some of
                  the  new  ruler  of  Egypt,  who  was  proud  of  the  leaders  from  positions  of  influence  and

                  his  consecutive  victories.  The  celebration    ensuring  the  obedience  of  others  to  the
                  was  to  honor  the  sending  of  a  military     Pasha's orders.

                  campaign  led  by  his  son  to  suppress  the
                  revolt  against  the  Ottoman  Sultan  in  the    On the other side of the Mediterranean Sea,

                  Arabian  Peninsula.  Amin  Bey  gladly            there was a book in the royal library written
                  accepted the invitation, accompanied by his       three  hundred  years  ago,  which  the  King  of
                  Mamluk  comrades  who  flocked  to  the           Florence  did  not  pay  much  attention  to,  by
                                                                    an     unlucky     writer    named      Niccolò
                  Citadel in droves. But he did not know that
                  he  would  enter  the  Citadel  with  four        Machiavelli.  In  it,  he  states  that  "the  new
                                                                    conqueror  should,  at  the  very  beginning,
                  hundred and seventy Mamluks and leave it
                  alone  and  expelled,  crossing  the  country  in  commit  whatever  cruelty  he  intends  to
                                                                    commit so that he does not need to resort to
                  search  of  a  hiding  place  that  the  prince's  it  again  and  again."  He  considers  the
                  sword  would  not  reach.  He  had  nothing  in
                                                                    legitimacy  of  ignoring  the  rules  of  religion
                  his mind but the images of his companions,        and morality for the prince who is founding a
                  lying dead, after the soldiers of the ruler, to
                                                                    new state and gives the prince advice in this
                  whom  they  had  given  allegiance  and           regard.

                  obedience,  attacked  them  and  took  their
                  lives in return.

                  This  massacre  was  one  of  Muhammad  Ali
                  Pasha's steps to establish his sole rule of the

                  country, after he had made sure to fragment
        20        the  popular  front  that  had  brought  him  to

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