Page 16 - Issue 63
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Vol.1 Issue 63 January  2024Vol.1 Issue 63, May  2024                    ElITE

                  As  part  of  awareness-raising  efforts,  the  film  "Two  is
                  Enough," produced by the Strategic Forum, was screened. It
                  illustrates  the  governement’s  efforts  and  policies  in
                  collaboration  with  all  relevant  parties  to  address  the
                  population  growth  issue  and  promote  family  planning
                  through awareness campaigns under the slogan "Awareness
                  = Life." The short film aims to convey the message that the
                  satisfaction  of  having  only  two  children,  is  the  optimal
                  solution for your country and your children’s future.

                  Then Dr. Heba Nassar followed, adressing the importance of
                  this  issue  from  a  scientific  and  economic  perspective.  She
                  referred  to  the  history  of  the  problem  since  the  Industrial
                  Revolution  and  Karl  Marx's  theory  of  basic  needs,  which
                  entail providing every individual with a minimum of shelter,
                  food,  and  clothing.  She  also  mentioned  the  Human  Then  the  word  was  passed  to  Dr.  Mayssa,  who
                  Development Theory, which categorizes countries based on  mentioned  the  role  of  youth  in  spreading  accurate
                  development indicators, and highlights the flaw of economic  awareness  to  others.  She  emphasized  that  the
                  growth in countries where economic growth occurs without  Egyptian  family  is  the  nucleus  of  the  country  and
                  genuine human development.                          must  be  established  and  maintained  on  preplanned
                  She stressed on the importance of focusing on the quality of  and  organized  foundations.  Family  planning  is  the
                  human  development,  which  has  been  addressed  through
                  Sustainable Development Goals that concentrate on various  main instance of a society and it begins with financial
                  fields beyond just economic development.            planning  and  family  planning,  to  avoid  divorce  and
                  She  further  underscored  the  importance  of  achieving  family  disintegration.  She  explained  that  there  are
                  individual  development  and  discussed  the  demographic  gift  many  ministerial  programs  such  as  "First  Year  of
                  phenomenon, where a decrease in mortality rates and birth  Marriage"  along  with  the  Awareness  Program,  to
                  rates results in a concentration of the population age group  understand  the  foundations  of  a  healthy  and
                  from 14 to 30 years, which is the demographic youth  that  integrated   family   life   without   violence   in
                  supports  the  rest  of  the  community.  Egypt  and  some  other  communication,   whether   physical,   verbal,   or
                  countries  were  on  the  edge  of  achieving  this  phenomenon,  economic, which ensures a better future for children.
                  but due to political instabilities in 2010-2011, the birth rate  The problems hindering the healthy family entity and
                  increased  significantly.  However,  the  country’s  efforts  social  development  include  illiteracy,  neglect  of
                  continue  in  the  geographical  redistribution,  implementing  women's  health  and  education,  child  marriage,  and
                  infrastructure projects, new cities, and expanding agricultural  female  genital  mutilation.  Youth  solidarity  and
                  areas.  She  ended  her  remarks  by  emphasizing  the  role  of  continuous  education  help  combat  negative  old
                  youth  and  their  conviction  and  awareness  to  address  this
                  issue.                                              cultural traditions.

                                                                      Afterwards,  Dr.  Amr  began  by  explaining  that  the
                                                                      problem of population growth is not just a problem of
                                                                      space and numbers, but also a problem of resources,
                                                                      based on the principle of proportionality. Population
                                                                      growth  consumes  an  individual's  share  of  allocated
                                                                      resources.  The  problem  of  population  exceeding  the
                                                                      state's capacity is analyzed through understanding the
                                                                      quantity, quality, congestion, indebtedness, and these
                                                                      problems  are  interrelated  and  their  solutions  are
                                                                      interconnected.  Therefore,  we  must  utilize  Egypt's
                                                                      wealth,  which  exists  on  the  ground,  in  its  youth,  by
                                                                      planning for families and life steps.

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