Page 21 - Issue 63
P. 21

Vol.1 Issue 63 January  2024Vol.1 Issue 63, May  2024                    ElITE

                  We do not claim that Muhammad Ali had               If he had kept it and improved its policy

                  read Machiavelli's book The Prince, but we         instead  of  destroying  it  in  a  scene  that
                  claim  that  this  tendency  to  eradicate         makes  the  eloquent  speechless  from  its

                  opposition  and  potential  opposition,            horror  and  the  wise  man  confused  about
                  especially in the early stages of the birth of     estimating its consequences.

                  states,  was  very  common  among  world
                  leaders  regardless  of  their  location  and      His  exclusion  of  those  with  a  say  in  the

                  time.  The  article  does  not  allow  us  to      matter from the Ahl Al Hall wa Alaqd who
                  mention more examples of this.                     had given their word to the Sultan to take
                                                                     over  was  an  uncalculated  adventure.  He

                  But  did  Muhammad  Ali  succeed  by               thereby lost the legitimate popular support

                  excluding  all  political  and  social  forces     and made his lineage his sword exclusively.
                                                                     And how quickly the states that are vain of
                  from  the  scope  of  potential  effectiveness
                                                                     their strength collapse!
                  and  participation  in  establishing  the
                  foundations of his strong state?
                                                                     In  addition  to  his  authoritarian  policies,
                                                                     Muhammad Ali Pasha adopted a Western
                  There  is  no  doubt  that  he  succeeded  in
                                                                     approach to administration, economy, and
                  establishing       a      totalitarian     and
                                                                     the  army.  With  this  Western-inspired
                  authoritarian  system  of  government  that
                                                                     approach  -  although  it  had  many  positive
                  did  not  face  any  significant  opposition.
                                                                     aspects  -  he  planted  the  seed  that  would
                  However, he did not succeed in establishing
                                                                     soon  bear  fruit  in  the  reign  of  his
                  a state that reflected the will of the nation
                                                                     successors,  who  would  be  more  fascinated
                  and respected its rights and values. In very
                                                                     by    the    manifestations     of    Western
                  simple  terms,  a  state  that  does  not  reflect
                                                                     civilization  and  more  in  line  with  their
                  the  will  of  its  people  cannot  be  a  strong
                                                                     subversive policies, until the plant of what
                                                                     Malek  Bennabi  calls  "susceptibility  to
                                                                     colonialism" grows and intensifies.
                  Moreover, the vicissitudes of time and the
                  passage  of  years  have  shown  the  observer

                  that  the  consequences  of  eliminating  this
                  powerful  force  were  not  entirely  in

                  Muhammad  Ali's  favor.  Perhaps  it  would
                  have been - with the popular leadership and

                  the nation behind it - a shield for him from
                  the  influence  of  external  pressures  in  his

                  economic and military policy, as well as his
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