Page 25 - Issue 63
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Vol.1 Issue 63 January 2024Vol.1 Issue 63, May 2024 ElITE
is what triggered this onslaught of what To exemplify, Mashrabiya architecture
I would castigate as a dissipation in attempts to circumvent the stifling
architectural splendor. As innocuous as Middle Eastern heat by mitigating the
it may appear to dedicate an entire impact of direct sunlight, nevertheless,
piece toward what some would label as Egyptian architects continue to draw
subjective feigned altruism, I believe inspiration from Western architectural
that this paints a far more egregious aspects rather than their Middle Eastern
narrative. counterparts.
It essentially conveys that our <7000
years= of civilization contributed to the
standing carcasses that we bear witness
to today. While some recent effort has
been dedicated towards a renovation of
architectural outlook, I still believe that
those newer perspectives continue to be
influenced by post-modern Western
architecture with slight tweakments to
fit the Egyptian context.
To wrap up, I believe that there
exists an innate need to reinstate who
we are as Egyptians and the first steps
in this perpetual pursuit could be
ascertained through the architectural
realm; by impeding this desire to
succumb to a society that is
pragmatized by this standardized
obscenity and espousing our values and
The recurring trend within modern cultural heritage via our unique
architecture epitomizes this standardized architectural works.
perspective that fails at its core to represent
who we are. However, my criticism
towards contemporary architecture does
not solely hinge on superficial aesthetics,
after all, beauty is in the eye of the
beholder; it is primarily fueled by the lack
of consideration as it pertains to country-
25 specific factors.