Page 29 - Issue 63
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Vol.1 Issue 63 January  2024Vol.1 Issue 63, May  2024                   ELITE

                                         < Make America Great Again?=

                                                 Salma Ahmed Mostafa- Second Year-Political Sciences

                     The United States faces for the first           Trump  remains  a  popular  figure  and  a
                   time  in  its  history  a  prominent              frontrunner  in  the  race  for  the
                   candidate  with  a  felony  conviction            Republican presidential nomination. It's

                   running        for      president!       This     a  perplexing  situation  that  raises
                   unprecedented          situation      centers     fundamental questions about the efficacy

                   around  none  other  than  Donald  J.             of  the  Constitution  and  American  law.
                   Trump,  the  former  US  president                The  Constitution  sets  forth  minimal

                   known  for  his  populist  rhetoric  and          eligibility  requirements  for  presidents,
                   racially charged stance, now stands a             focusing  primarily  on  age,  citizenship,

                   real  chance  of  winning  the  highest           and residency. Surprisingly, there are no
                   office in the land for his second term .          provisions  barring  individuals  with
                                                                     criminal  records  from  running  for  the

                   Trump's ongoing legal challenges have             highest office in the land. This major gap
                   reached a critical phase, with lawsuits           in constitutional guidance leaves the U.S.

                   and felony charges looming over him               in  an  unforeseen  situation.  The  framers
                   in  multiple  states.  He's  been  sued  by       of  the  Constitution  could  hardly  have
                   the  New  York  attorney  general  and            foreseen a scenario like this,

                   indicted      in     Georgia,       Florida,
                   Manhattan,  and  Washington.  The

                   sheer  number  of  cases  is  startling,
                   totaling 91 felony counts across state

                   and  federal  courts.  Any  one  of  these
                   charges  could  potentially  lead  to  a

                   prison sentence. Yet, despite his legal
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