Page 34 - Issue 63
P. 34

Vol.1 Issue 63 January  2024Vol.1 Issue 63, May  2024                    ElITE

                  There’s  no  women  empowerment  and For  these  countries,  they  have  suffered

                  closing the gender gap without a sincere the  loss  of  a  great  number  of  men  in
                  investment of political will. In this year’s WW1  and  WW2,  so  employing  women
                  CSW, through interacting with the other became  a  necessity  to  rebuild  their

                  activists and attendees, miss. Yasmin got economies.  Aside  from  that,  can
                  the  chance  to  observe  closely  the women’s  movements  thrive  when  there

                  diversity  of  levels  of  political  will isn’t  sufficient  political  will  tinvested  in
                  invested  by  different  countries  and  the the cause from the top ?That is the case

                  factors      affecting     it.    From       one for  Latin  America,  the  region  who
                  perspective, the political will invested by succeeded  in  introducing  numerous  best

                  each  country  is  highly  affected  by  its practices  in  advancing  the  cause  despite
                  leader;  in  some  countries,  if  women’s their  history  of  colonization  and
                  rights  and  demands  are  violated  or authoritarian  regimes.  Based  on  our

                  ignored in any sort of way, the image of conversation  with  miss.  Yasmin,  Latin
                  their  leaders  would  instantly  be  shook American  countries  and  NGOs  are

                  and  political  instability  becomes  a distinguished  by  their  ability  to  actively
                  possible  risk,  henceforth,  in  such cooperate                    with     the     west      while
                  contexts,  the  cause  of  empowering maintaining their economic and political

                  women  and  ensuring  gender  equality independence.  Unlike  us  as  Arabs,  this
                  comes  at  the  top  of  their  political goes  back  to  their  ability  to  fight

                  agenda.  Furthermore,  regional  and collectively  for  and  stand  together
                  international  pressures  also  serve  as  a behind  <a  single  unified  agenda  for  the

                  key  factor  in  shaping  the  depth  of  the empowerment of women= creating a real
                  political  will  invested  in  each  country’s movement  instead  of  a  bunch  of

                  national  plan  for  empowering  women. disorganized  waves  of  activities.  In
                  From another perspective, miss. Yasmin addition,                  Latin     American       activists
                  brought  our  attention  to  how  the  cause concerned  with  empowering  women,

                  of  empowering  women  was  mainly appear  to  relatively  enjoy  freedom  of
                  discussed  from  an  economic  perspective movement in their countries, which they

                  amongst  the  European  states  and  the were able to utilize in building an active
                  United States, as they focused mainly on women’s movement, in the sense of being

                  women’s role in boosting the economy.               able  to  initiate  certain  activities  on  the
                                                                      ground and not only on social media.

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