Page 32 - Issue 63
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Vol.1 Issue 63 January  2024Vol.1 Issue 63, May  2024                    ElITE

                  Escalation of Events:                              Outside the encampment:
                  <The series of events began on March 13th, < The ambiance exuded a peaceful spirit

                  following an incident involving the president as  we  fervently  echoed  slogans  such  as
                  of the Union of Jewish Students in France "Free  Palestine"  and  a  multitude  of
                  (S.F).  Despite  the  subsequent  denial  after others.Notably,          prominent       figures,
                  media  involvement  and  the  presence  of encompassing not only students but also

                  important  figures  like  the  Prime  Minister professors,  alumni,  and  individuals
                  (Figure 1), the next day witnessed a massive affiliated  with  left-leaning  political
                  protest, leading to the closure of university parties in France such as Rima Mobarak,
                  doors, with a strong police presence due to a  candidate  in  the  European  election,

                  the presence of the Prime Minister, Gabriel arrived to lend their support. Everything
                  Mattal.                                            seemed to be progressing smoothly until
                  Last week, in light of the wave of protests in a  pro-Israel  group  emerged,  initiating
                  the  US,  many  students  actively  engaged  in debates  and  protests.  In  response,  we

                  the  cause  repeatedly  tried  to  communicate faced  a  choice:  either  maintain  our
                  with  the  administration,  demanding  their silence,  recognizing  that  negotiations
                  rights  through  a  list  of  demands.  On with them would be futile, or retort with
                  Wednesday, the 24th, a significant gathering expressions  like  "On  est  là  pour  la

                  took  place  on  the  campuses,  featuring  an Palestine,  pour  ce  qui  s'assassine  on  est
                  open  mic  session  and  a  Zoom  meeting là" ("We are here for Palestine, for whom
                  connecting with people from Gaza. As night are  being  murdered,  we  are  here")  or
                  fell,  the  protesters  decided  to  establish  an "siamo  tutti  antifaschisti"  ("we  are  all

                  encampment.        However,       the     media antifascists").          The         university,
                  misrepresented  the  news,  stating  that  the unfortunately,  refused  to  open  its  doors
                  "amphitheater  was  blocked  in  response  to to  the  students,  who  found  themselves
                  the  Israeli-Palestinian  conflict"  or  that  a encircled by barricades, even though they

                  campus  building  was  "occupied  overnight," possessed  the  right  to  enter.  Eventually,
                  which  is  untrue,  as  the  encampment  was as  the  situation  became  increasingly
                  actually  set  up  in  an  outdoor  area.  The challenging,  people  began  to  disperse,
                  University's  response  was  both  shocking partly  due  to  the  intervention  of  the

                  and  unacceptable,  as  they  called  the  police police.  However,  at  9:00  PM,  the
                  to     dismantle       the      pro-Palestinian university  yielded  to  the  demands  of  its
                  encampment.                                        students and authorized a conference for
                  On  Thursday,  the  situation  escalated negotiations.=

                  further,  and  protesters  moved  to  the  main
                  campus  in  Saint  Guillaume,  Paris,  where
                  they  established  the  encampment.  They
                  engaged  in  a  sit-in  until  the  University

                  agreed  to  negotiate  with  the  students.  At
                  one  point,  students  were  even  prevented
                  from attending their classes. On Friday, the
        32        administration  began  sending  emails  to

                  students,  threatening  them  with  sanctions,
                  including the possibility of expulsion.=
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