Page 35 - Issue 63
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Vol.1 Issue 63 January  2024Vol.1 Issue 63, May  2024                   ELITE

                 These  factors  combined  are  creating  a stop  there:  after  spending  a  lot  of  time
                 sustainable      movement         for     women reaching  out  to  numerous  individuals

                 empowerment  in  Latin  America,  from and organizations to receive funding, it's
                 which  we  still  have  a  lot  to  learn  in  the evident  that  your  presence  doesn't

                 Southern Mediterranean region.                     necessarily  mean  your  opinions  matter.
                                                                    Moreover,        the     majority      of     the
                                                                    representatives  from  governmental  and

                                                                    non-governmental  organizatioens  were
                                                                    over  30,  which  means  they  don’t  truly

                                                                    represent  the  youth.  The  researcher
                                                                    refers to the lack of actual representation

                                                                    of young men and women as <ticking the
                                                                    boxes=  .  We  also  learn  that  one

                                                                    organization  may  send  up  to  eighteen
                                                                    delegates  to  the  meeting,  in  addition  to
                 However,  the  CSW  '68  was  not  without the             delegations      from      government

                 shortcomings or else the outcomes would officials,  amassing  to  a  huge  number  of
                 have been more impactful                           attendees  that  the  UN  headquarters

                 Moreover,  miss.  Yasmin  noticed  how cannot handle, forcing some to take seats
                 Latin  American  countries  and  NGOs on the floor. So how do we make time to
                 were impressively armed with a large base hear what each person has to say?

                 of  knowledge  in  the  field  of  women In addition, the youth hosted the Youth
                 empowerment,  allowing  them  to  identify Forum,  a  parallel  event  to  the

                 what  truly  qualifies  as  a  step  forward  in Conference which is a challenging task to
                 empowering women.                                  execute.  However,  the  Youth  Forum's

                 First  off,  despite  the  fact  that  it  is  a recommendations were not included in
                 women's conference, the researcher notes the                      Conference's              official

                 that  the  majority  of  the  talks  were recommendations, and it did not receive
                 delivered by men. The white man was the enough media coverage—many attendees
                 most visible and appeared in the majority were even unaware of the event.

                 of    talks     and     media       appearances Up till now, more than five months have
                 throughout  the  conference,  even  though passed  since  the  war  on  Gaza  began,

                 Africa  and  Latin  America  were  well- henceforth,  it  is  important  to  bring  up
                 represented. Additionally, there was little the  issue  of  Palestinian  women's  rights.

                 to  no  genuine  representation  of  the The researcher states that any comment
                 underrepresented          groups       at     the coming from the audience regarding the
                 conference,  including  youths,  minorities, state of women in Gaza or other unstable

                 indigenous  people,  and  those  with regions  of  the  world  was  labeled  as  an
                 disabilities. The disappointment doesn't           "uncomfortable question" and ignored,
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