Page 38 - Issue 63
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Vol.1 Issue 63 January  2024Vol.1 Issue 63, May  2024                    ElITE

                and  protests  erupted  in  more  than  40           the  famous  Hamilton  Hall,  which  was

                other  universities.  Shafik’s  effect  was          occupied  in  1968  protests  as  well.  In
                now taking over the US universities.                 response,      Shafik      suspended       more

                   Shafik, trying to evade being criticized          students       and      requested        NYPD
                for  tolerating  antisemitism,  was  now             intervention  for  the  second  time  on  the

                being  criticized  for  cracking  down  on           30th of April, leading to the arrest of an
                campus freedom of speech and being too               additional  108  individuals  and  clearing
                rough  by  advocates  of  freedom  of                the  protests.  However,  Shafik  did  not

                speech.  Bassam  Khawaja,  a  lecturer  at           emerge  as  victorious.  She  was  criticized
                Columbia  law  school,  said  he  wasle
                                                                     even  more  for  either  acting  too  late  or
                <shocked and appalled that the president             acting too rough.
                went  immediately  to  the  New  York                   On the other hand, though the protests

                police  department.=  <It  didn’t  seem  like        at Columbia did not achieve their goals
                any kind of measures were taken to de-               in  Columbia  itself,  they  managed  to

                escalate,=  Khawaja  said.  Journalism               trigger  a  national  movement  in  the  US.
                professor  Helen  Benedict,  who  was  on            Brown  University  has  reached  a  deal
                campus when the NYPD began arresting                 with     protests     that     had     students

                students,  said  in  an  interview  that             voluntarily  dismantle  encampment  in
                sending  <riot  police  with  guns=  on  to          exchange  for  a  commitment  from  the

                campus was an <overreaction=.                        university  to  reconsider  its  ties  with
                   And failing to control the situation and          Israel.  And  thanks  to  these  protests,

                silence  protesters,  Shafik  was  criticized        Richmond was the second city in the US
                for failing to control the situation. House          to  withdraw  its  investment  from  Israel.

                Speaker Mike Johnson has called for the              Thanks to these protests, thanks to these
                resignation  of  Shafik  for  being  a  <very        students,  and  also  thanks  to  Shafik’s
                weak,  inept  leader=  who  <cannot  even            effect,  America  might  be  changing.

                guarantee       the     safety     of     Jewish     <They  will  reshape  ideologies,  parties,
                students.=Columbia  donor  and  alumnus              and  foreign  policy  of  the  US  because

                Robert  Kraft,  founder  of  Columbia's              they are not just about Palestine, they are
                Foundation  to  Combat  Antisemitism,                about  principles,=  says  a  professor  at
                suspended donations to the university, as            FEPS who studied and taught at the US.

                did  billionaire  Len  Blavat  Nik,  due  to
                beliefs  that  Columbia  was  insufficiently

                preventing campus antisemitism.
                      Shafik,  now  fearing  more  escalation,

                tried  a  different  approach.  Negotiants
                with  protests’  leaders  took  place  for  1

                week,  but  no  deal  was  reached.
                Following        the     announcement          of
                negotiations’ failure students occupied
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