Page 41 - Issue 63
P. 41

Vol.1 Issue 63 January  2024Vol.1 Issue 63, May  2024                   ELITE

                                      The renaissance of space economy

                                          Menna Wael - Third Level - Economics - English

                  Though  many  find  the  concept  of  space address  a  wide  range  of  economic  and  non-
                  appealing,  not  many  realise  how  much  of  an economic challenges and is a significant enabler
                  actual  influence  it  has  on  their  lives  and of growth in other sectors.
                  enterprises.  On  the  other  hand,  a  recent  trend The majority of space investments, according to
                  suggests that almost every industry can benefit the  Space  Foundation,  originate  from  private
                  from  space  exploration.  Ninety  nations  are businesses;  estimates  place  the  total  revenue
                  currently  involved  in  space  exploration, earned by space enterprises' goods and services
                  compared to the two superpowers that started it at around $224 billion. Meanwhile, the overall
                  all—the  United  States  of  America  and  the amount  spent  by  governments  worldwide  on
                  former Soviet Union. Space economics is one of space  programmes  increased  by  19%  in  the
                  the  nearly  infinite  applications  of  economics previous  year,  with  the  US  and  China  leading
                  that  can  be  studied.  According  to  Harvard the  way.  How  may  space  be  unable  to  offer
                  Business Review, "goods and services produced answers  to  the  issues  that  governments  face?
                  in  space  for  use  in  space,  such  as  mining  the Why  not,  given  that  space  has  the  capacity  to
                  Moon or asteroids for materials" are included in offer answers to the issues countries face?
                  the  definition  of  "space  economy."  It  can  be With  an  expanding  worldwide  population  and

                  defined  as  any  activity  that  includes  "the its consequences for energy, climate change, and
                  exploration,      research,      understanding, food  security,  space  technology  has  the
                  management and use of space," according to the potential to protect and enhance food supplies.
                  Organisation  for  Economic  Cooperation  and Additionally,  by  managing  water  and  crops
                  Development.  By  2035,  the  space  industry  is more precisely and allowing businesses to track
                  predicted to grow from $630 billion in 2023 to their  environmental  and  social  performance  as
                  $1.8 trillion.                                    well  as  governments  to  track  carbon  dioxide
                  The  European  Space  Agency  states  that  the emissions,  the  adoption  of  satellite  technology
                  establishment  of  new  space  infrastructure can  lessen  the  environmental  impact  of
                  benefits  industries  like  meteorology,  energy, agriculture.  On  the  other  hand,  approximately
                  telecommunications,     insurance,     transport, 50%  of  people  on  the  planet  lack  Internet
                  shipping, aviation, and urban development, all connectivity,  which  denies  billions  of  people
                  of  which  have  an  influence  on  a  nation's access to essential public services like healthcare
        41        economic growth. Space has the potential to       and education. It is projected that establishing

                                                                    Internet access in rural regions of Asia, Latin
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