Page 46 - Issue 63
P. 46

Vol.1 Issue 63 January  2024Vol.1 Issue 63, May  2024                    ElITE

                   4- Calligraphic Flourishes: Early Arabic
                  calligraphy  known  as  Kufic  script  was

                  frequently  added  to  mosaics,  adding  a
                  layer     of    meaning       and      religious

                  There are some living examples on Early
                  Islamic Mosaics like

                  The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem
                  The Great Mosque of Damascus

                                                                     The Spark of the Contemporary Mosaic

                                                                     Revival in the Arab World
                                                                     The Arab world has seen a rise in interest

                                                                     in  mosaic  art  in  recent  decades.  greater
                                                                     knowledge  of  and  appreciation  for  the

                  Other significant mosaic eras in the Arab          rich  legacy  of  mosaic  art  in  the  Islamic
                  world  include  the  Abbasid  Caliphate            world, as well as a desire to conserve and

                  (750–1258  CE),  which  witnessed  a               learn  from  ancient  mosaics'  beauty  and
                  continuance  of  mosaic  artistry  with            workmanship.  Governmental  programs

                  elaborate  designs  and  a  wide  range  of        and  cultural  organizations  that  support
                  subjects,  such  as  hunting  scenes,  courtly     traditional  art  forms  like  mosaics.  New

                  scenes, and religious images. Magnificent          materials  such  as  repurposed  glass,
                  mosaics  are  the  main  attraction  of  the       ceramics,     and      even     plastics    have

                  palaces  of  Samarra.  Moreover,  between          increased the creative potential of mosaic
                  the tenth and thirteenth centuries, mosaic         art. More elaborate and intricate mosaic
                  creation  in  the  Maghreb  saw  a  boom.          compositions  are  possible  thanks  to

                  Stunning  mosaics  were  created  in               digital design tools and laser cutting.
                  Moroccan cities like Fez and Marrakech

                  for  use  in  palaces,  mosques,  and
                  madrasas  (Islamic  schools).  Mosques,

                  palaces,  and  other  buildings  underwent
                  mosaic art  incorporation throughout the

                  Ottoman  Empire  (1299–1922  CE).  Iznik
                  tiles became a symbol of Ottoman mosaic
                  artistry because of their vivid colors and
                  detailed designs.
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