Page 44 - Issue 63
P. 44

Vol.1 Issue 63 January  2024Vol.1 Issue 63, May  2024                    ElITE

                  They now do not feel that Arab cultural specificity; instead, each society mocks the customs and
                  traditions of another society, which resembles it in every way. It's as if there is a mirror in which
                  one thinks they are criticizing the other party, but in reality, they are criticizing themselves and
                  their shortcomings. And I do not hide from you, for you know that this state of fragmentation
                  has struck within a single society. You see the new generation being raised in English or French
                  and  now  German!  And  you  see  parents  borrowing  money  to  enroll  their  children  in  foreign
                  schools, where they grow up in a cultural environment completely different from the society in
                  which they live and coexist, not knowing Arabic. All this is within a single society. In an attempt
                  to adapt and emerge from this state of disarray, we see that this group has agreed to distort Arab
                  culture  and  its  distinguishing  features,  so  they  started  calling  "falafel"  "green  burger"  and
                  "Zainab's fingers" "Gigi's fingers"! It is something that outwardly provokes laughter and inwardly
                  sorrow. So who is to blame? Or rather, should someone be specifically blamed, or is it a disease
                  that may be cured over time?

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