Page 45 - Issue 63
P. 45

Vol.1 Issue 63 January  2024Vol.1 Issue 63, May  2024                   ELITE


                                                   Huda Nada Mohamed- third level- statistics

                 The  art  of  mosaics,  also  known  as for  palaces,  mosques,  and  other  public

                 tesserae,      involves     assembling       tiny buildings.  They  conveyed  a  sense  of
                 fragments  of  hard  materials  such  as grandeur  and  power,  reflecting  the

                 colorful  glass,  stone,  shells,  or  other growing               Umayyad          empire.      One
                 materials  to  create  images.  This  age-old characteristic of mosaics during that time
                 art  form  has  a  rich  history  in  the  Arab period  was  tesserae,  or  tiny,  precisely

                 world and has captivated art enthusiasts fitting  bits  of  colored  stone,  glass,  or
                 for thousands of years. And we are going ceramic  that  were  used  to  make  the

                 to  talk  briefly  about  some  History  of mosaics.               There      were     also     other
                 Mosaic Art in the Arab World                         characteristics which is
                 First, the Early Islamic Mosaics from the 2. Geometric Emphasis: The designs were

                 7th and 8th Centuries                                dominated by geometric patterns such as
                 Islamic mosaic art was greatly influenced stars, squares, rectangles, and interlacing

                 by  the  Umayyads,  the  first  Muslim circles.
                 caliphate.  They  most  likely  took  their   3.  Limited  Figural  Representation:  In

                 cues  from  Sassanian  and  Byzantine accordance                      with     Islamic      customs,
                 traditions that were already in place and abstract  and  symbolic  elements  were

                 modified  them  to  fit  Islamic  aesthetics. emphasized  rather  than  depictions  of
                 Stylized  designs  and  geometric  patterns living figures.
                 were prominent in early Islamic mosaics,

                 which  frequently  included  floral  themes
                 and stylized writing. These patterns were

                 a  reflection  of  Islamic  peace,  order,  and
                 the  abstention  from  showing  live

        45       subjects.     Mosaics      served      as    both
                 decorative and symbolic embellishments
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