Page 40 - Issue 63
P. 40

Vol.1 Issue 63 January  2024Vol.1 Issue 63, May  2024                    ElITE

                  That  was  the  perfect  timing  for  Nestle        Despite  the  disastrous  consequences

                  to start using its exploitative marketing           of  those  marketing  strategies,  Nestle
                  strategies,      through        manipulating        continues to follow the same practices

                  mothers  and  convincing  them  that                to  this  day.  It  keeps  getting  more
                  Nestle’s  baby  formula  is  way  more              unethical and deceptive, to the extent
                  healthy and necessary for their children            that  they  are  currently  trying  to  get

                  than the natural breast milk, despite the           consumers  at  a  very  young  age  to
                  recommendation  of  breast  milk  by  the           develop  brand  loyalty  for  Nestle.

                  World  Health  Organization,  American              Since  the  type  of  food  that  children
                  Medical  Association,  UNICEF,  and                 consume during the first years of their
                  many other trustworthy entities.                    lives,  to  a  great  extent,  determines

                                                                      their  food  preference  in  the  future,
                  Nestle’s  misleading  practices  reached            Nestle  is  intentionally  adding  huge

                  deceiving     mothers      through       hiring     amounts of sugar to their products so
                  women in Africa and Asia that dressed               that  it  guarantees  developing  loyal

                  up  like  nurses  and  convinced  them  to          consumers.
                  believe  that  the  baby  formula  is  better

                  and  more  nutritious  for  their  babies           Nigel rollins, a scientist at the World
                  than the natural breast milk. Moreover,             Health  Organization  (WHO),  says
                  it unashamedly paid the fake nurses to              that  manufacturers  are  trying  to  get

                  give  away  free  baby  formula  samples,           children  used  to  a  certain  level  of
                  that served as enough amount to get the             sugar in their products at a very early

                  mothers  to  stop  producing  milk                  age,  so  that  they  continue  to  prefer
                  naturally, and consequently forced them             products high in sugar in the future.

                  to  fall  in  a  trap  where  they  had  no
                  choice  but  to  purchase  Nestle’s  baby           As      Nestle      never      missed      an

                  milk.                                               opportunity to show how willing it is
                  Certainly,  <The  Baby  Killer=  title  did         to commit misleading practices for the
                  not arise out of nothing, but because of            sake of satisfying its thirst for profits,

                  the  catastrophic  consequences  of  the            it  is  not  surprising  that  its  history  is
                  previously      stated     practices.     Such      full    of    hypocrisy       and     double

                  marketing  campaigns,  that  Nestle                 standards. Lastly, just as it is expected
                  adopted throughout those years, led to              to for Nestle to continue following the

                  the  deaths  of  millions  of  children  and        same  practices,  it  is  also  expected  to
                  caused  thousands  of  children  to  suffer         meet  its  fate  of  consumer  boycotts,

                  from a lack of essential nutrients due to           and  consequently  face  a  dramatic
                  being brought up on such products that              drop in its profits.
                  should have served as supplements, not
                  a replacement for natural milk.
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