Page 42 - Issue 63
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Vol.1 Issue 63 January  2024Vol.1 Issue 63, May  2024                    ElITE

                  America, and Africa may generate 140 million Additionally,  it  may  hinder  competition  and
                  jobs  and  a  25%  boost  in  productivity.  Politics innovation  if  specific  nations  or  businesses
                  and  security  are  also  being  impacted  by  space monopolise  particular  orbits.  Additionally,  it
                  technology.  Commercial  satellite  data,  for might put nations' sovereignty in jeopardy and
                  example,    offers   unprecedentedly     detailed expose them to the possibility of cyberattacks
                  insights  into  conflicts  and  political  shifts, on  their  satellites,  particularly  during  periods

                  enabling a new degree of transparency, enabling of  geopolitical  unrest  like  the  Russian-
                  citizens  to  track  change  as  it  occurs  globally, Ukrainian War in 2022.
                  and  highlighting  global  events.  The  Russian- In  the  future,  public  and  private  domains
                  Ukrainian  crisis  has  illustrated  how  space might coexist with what is referred to as each
                  applications  are  becoming  more  and  more nation's  "space  domain."  Governments  may
                  important  in  geopolitical  conflicts.  In  the  face compete  with  one  another  for  space
                  of  aggression,  Ukraine  has  used  the  space investments,  and  nations  may  really  race
                  capabilities  of  commercial  and  international against  one  another  to  capitalise  on  the
                  partners  to  defend  itself.  These  capabilities enormous prospects presented by space, which
                  included  ground  observation  data  to  collect are  still  awaiting  an  increasing  amount  of
                  information  about  troop  movements  and scientific study and analysis, particularly from
                  locations,  and  geographic  intelligence  sytems. economists.  If  they  lose  out  in  this  race,
                  While the dispute highlighted the importance of developing nations might not be able to find a
                  commercial operators, it also revealed the need position among nations.

                  for  closer  cooperation  with  government Egypt  has  a  great  chance  of  utilising  space
                  agencies:  in  2022,  Starlink  rejected  Ukraine's exploration  for  the  benefit  of  its  economy.  if
                  request  to  expand  coverage  to  hit  Russian research  centres  are  established  for  space
                  targets due to fears of escalation.                studies  and  its  applications,  youth  business
                                                                     incubators in artificial intelligence, space, and
                                                                     other fields, and space and navigation studies
                                                                     programmes      are    reinforced    in   higher

                  Although  space  activities  assist  humanity  in
                  many  ways,  including  promoting  sustainable
                  development,  supplying  weather  forecasts,  and

                  fostering  innovation  to  halt  climate  change,
                  they also put us at risk for security lapses and
                  other  weaknesses.  NASA  estimates  that  about
                  100  million  space  debris  fragments  reside  in
                  Earth's  orbit.  Numerous  environmental  issues
                  are  associated  with  this  space  debris,  such  as
        42        optical  radiation  hazards  and  light  pollution
                  that may impede future scientific discoveries.
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