Page 36 - Issue 63
P. 36
Vol.1 Issue 63 January 2024Vol.1 Issue 63, May 2024 ElITE
not only that, but also the pressures private sector. Here, the question is not
experienced by Palestinian women were so much about the existence of
viewed as "equivalent" to those faced by programmes as it is about their efficacy.
Israeli women. As a result, in order to increase the size
As a consequence of the reasons and effectiveness of women's
mentioned above, the researcher programmes, the researcher suggests
informed that she has become hesitant to working on improving certain laws, the
take part in the next iterations of CSW. need to create a unified women's
Despite being the biggest gathering for movement rooted in all societal
discussing women's issues worldwide, the institutions, providing more space and
above mentioned arguments decrease freedom for academic research in the
CSW’s degree of effectiveness and area of women's empowerment and
inclusivity. In consequence, certain gender equality, in order to be armed
things need to improve, such as: the with a strong science in the field of
necessity for an actual representation of women empowerment. The researcher
young men and women, including concluded by stressing on the
everyone in the negotiations, giving more significance of facilitating bureaucratic
space for all different ethnicities and processes in Egypt and the Arab region
countries to share their conclusions on in general, to enable activists concerned
the best practices to adopt in the field of with women empowerment to engage
women development, like the need to more effectively in the most significant
give more space to the Latin American international events related to women's
countries to share their best practices, empowerment, and specifically to enable
and finally, limiting the number of them to attend the upcoming annual
delegates from each organization so that meetings on women's status hosted by
United Nations headquarters would be the United Nations Commission on the
able thandle the number of its attendees, Status of Women.
as well as in order to maximize the
benefits received from such a
sophisticated event.
Regarding the Egyptian case, the
researcher states that the programmes
concerned with women that are part of
Egypt’s Vision 2030, are in line with the
decisions made at the 68th session of the
UN commission on Women, when it
comes to the inclusion of the gender
perspective in the public sector as well as
corporate social responsibility in the