Page 33 - Issue 63
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Vol.1 Issue 63, May  2024                                               ELITE
                  Vol.1 Issue 63 January  2024

                    Elite’s Coverage of the UN’s Commission On The Status Of Women’s

                               68th Session: an interview with Ms. Yasmin Aladdin
                   Nourine Negm - third level - Political Science  French
                   Menna Wael - third level - economics - English

                   From  the  11th  to  the  22nd  of  March         First, who is Miss. Yasmin Aladdin? She
                 2024, The United Nations held its fourth            is an assistant lecturer of political science
                 annual  commission  on  the  status  of             at the Faculty of economics and political

                 women meetings (CSW '68); known to be               science,  Cairo  University,  she  has  been
                 the  biggest  worldwide  event  discussing          awarded        the      Erasmus        Mundus

                 women       empowerment          and     gender     scholarship to pursue her masters degree
                 equality.  This  year’s  theme  was  :              in  Women  and  Gender  Studies  for  the

                 <Accelerating  the achievement of gender            year  2023-2025.  Above  all  that,  she’s  a
                 equality  and  the  empowerment  of  all            feminist,  an  activist  and  a  gender

                 women  and  girls  by  addressing  poverty          consultant  in  several  NGO’s,  mainly
                 and     strengthening       institutions     and    located in the Mena region. During our
                 financing  with  a  gender  perspective.=   interview, Miss.Yasmin informed us that

                 Luckily,  this  year  we  got  the  chance  to      the  Mediterranean  Youth  Foundation
                 interview  Miss.  Yasmin  Aladdin,  the             for  Development  (MYFD),  had  already

                 vice-president  of  The  Mediterranean              obtained  membership  in  The  United
                 Youth  Foundation  for  Development                 Nations  Economic  and  Social  Council
                 (MYFD), who attended this year’s CSW                (ECOSOC),  thereby,  they  were  only

                 in New York, The United States. In this             required  to  submit  an  application  to
                 report, we share with you her reflection            attend  this  year’s  CSW  meetings.

                 upon  the  entire  experience,  her  insights       Moreover,  the  MYFD  delegation  was
                 on the efficiency of the UN’s CSW, her              funded  by  the  Erasmus  Mundus

                 observations on the relationship between            scholarship.  As  for  Miss.  Yasmin’s
                 politics  and  the  UN’s  Mega  event  and          degree  of  engagement  in  the  meetings,

                 finally,  her  observations  on  the  Arab          she told us that she actively participated
                 states’,  especially  Egypt’s  status  in  the      in  around  35  sessions  of  the  numerous
                 Commission on the Status of Women.                  side events held at this year’s CSW '68.
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