Page 28 - Issue 63
P. 28

Vol.1 Issue 63 January  2024Vol.1 Issue 63, May  2024                    ElITE

                        Ironically,  both  Harvard  and  UPenn    The universities are also under pressure

                  are  ranked  last  in  a  group  of  248 from  donors,  who  have  been  a  large
                  American  University  in  the  index  of factor in the resignation of Claudine Gay

                  College Free Speech Rankings, an index and  Lizz  Magil.  Ross  Stevens,  the
                  created by the Foundation for Individual proprietor  and  creator  of  Stone  Ridge

                  Rights  and  Expressions  (FIRE),  an Asset  Management  situated  in  New
                  NGO. In their last annual report, FIRE York, declared the withdrawal of a $100
                  found that 33% of students at the worst 5 million  donation  to  the  University  of

                  performing  universities  found  it  hard  to Pennsylvania,  citing  the  institution's
                  speak     about     the     Israeli/Palestinian tolerance  towards  hate  speech.  And  in

                  conflict,  compared  to  15%  in  the  top  5 November               over      1,600      Harvard
                  performing  universities.  In  Columbia, University  alumni  stated  that  they  will

                  two student groups, Students for Justice refrain  from  contributing  donations  to
                  in Palestine and Jewish Voice for Peace, the  institution  until  Harvard  promptly

                  has  been  suspended  for  organizing addresses the issue of antisemitism on its
                  unauthorized demonstrations. All of this campus.
                  suggest  that  the  committee  targeted  the    The implications of the ongoing events

                  universities  that  are  already  censoring will  be  crucial  for  Americans,  which
                  Pro-Palestinians the most so that it could makes it crucial to the cause. Many fear

                  pressure them to do more.                          that  the  crackdown  will  constrain
                     Another thing to notice is that all the freedom of speech on campuses.  <Some

                  Universities  that  have  been  called  to  a professors are taking the protests side to
                  hearing  are  private  ones,  which  the defend  campus  freedom  of  speech,  not

                  government  has  less  control  over  than because  they  are  Pro-Palestine,=  said  a
                  public ones. Public universities adhere to Professor  at  FEPS  who  studied  and
                  state  education  laws  and  are  operated taught  at  the  US.  However,  current

                  directly by the government. On the other events  can  be  a  crossroads.  The
                  hand,  private  universities  are  compiled professor  noted  how  African  American

                  only  to  certain  federal  regulations,  such are losing empathy for Jews as a fellow
                  as  those  related  to  accreditation, oppressed  minority.  He  also  noted  how
                  financial  aid  programs,  and  civil  rights. the protests are taking part in the liberal

                  They  are  also  typically  funded  through states  and  the  top  universities  in
                  tuition,  donations,  and  endowments, republican  ones,  like  Texas,  predicting

                  rather  than  direct  government  funding. that  the  left  and  the  right  are  moving
                  As a result, they have more autonomy in further  from  each  other,  breaking  what

                  decision-making and the government has he  called  <US  fake  democracy=.  <They
                  no  formal  power  over  who  fills  the will  reshape  ideologies,  parties,  and

                  administrators’  positions,  which  makes foreign policy of the US because they are
                  pushing  them  to  silence  Pro-Palestinian not just about Palestine, they are about
                  protesters harder.                                 principles,= he then concluded.
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