Page 24 - Issue 63
P. 24

Vol.1 Issue 63 January  2024Vol.1 Issue 63, May  2024                   ELITE

                                             Erosion and Neglect: The Slow Demise
                                                     of Architectural Splendor

                                               Zeina Elamir- Third level- Economics major

                    The 166-meter Gezira Tower and Hotel is a             From  the  ornate  Neo-Mamluk

                sacramental  testament  and  embodiment  of           confections of the early 1900s ( designed
                how Architectural art within Cairo has been           by European architects in an attempt to

                neglected  throughout  the  last  3  decades.         be <contextual=) to the bold experiment
                Within  this  time  frame,  Egypt  has  been          with  international  modernism  in  the
                plagued by continuous shifts and transfusions         1950s and 60s under President Nasser,

                of power which left many architectural works          to the vernacular revival, proceeded by
                on the back burner of public debate.                  the inflated post-modern structures. The

                                                                      common  dogma  that  is  continuously
                                                                      regurgitated with those styles is not that

                                                                      of  diversity  but  rather  of  a  frivolous

                                                                      edifice  that  constitutes  our  fickle
                                                                      cultural identity.

                    Cairo, as we know it today, can only                  This  shift  from  classical  to

                 be  characterized  as  a  muddled  mess,             contemporary architecture coupled with
                 where  it  is  ostensibly  apparent  that            the  lack  of  consistency  and  convictions
                 those  buildings  fail  to  elicit  any              pertaining to each president's vision when

        24       semblance of cultural identity.                      it came to Cairo’s architectonic outlook,
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