Page 13 - Issue 63
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Vol.1 Issue 63 January  2024Vol.1 Issue 63, May  2024                   ELITE
                                                                   Some  participants  were  surprised  by  the
                                                                   unexpectedly large number of entities such as the
                                                                   recycling  BIKYA,  the  association  Ganat  Al-

                                                                   Khuloud,  stadiums,  and  other  important
                                                                   entities.  Regarding  the  Ganat  Al-Khuloud
                                                                   association,  it  is  worth  mentioning  that  an
                                                                   economics student has struck a deal to support
                                                                   his candle project, aiming to create opportunities
                                                                   for cooperation between the two parties!
                - Students are increasingly aware of the value of
                internships, and the process is becoming more As for the Shaf Center for Future Studies, Crisis
                serious year after year.                           Analysis,  despite  this  being  the  first  year,  it
                - All parties are increasingly satisfied with what announced  several  courses  and  trainings,
                can be called strengthening friendships with the including  a  political  researcher  preparation
                organizers, and even with the students (which is course  and  a  diplomatic  corps  qualification
                consistent with statements from representatives course.  This  platform  may  allow  us  to  invite
                of  the  Ministry  of  Planning  and  Economic them  to  have  a  permanent  place  within  the
                Development).                                      Faculty  of  Economics  and  Political  Science,  in

                -  Some  parties  were  keen  to  offer  special recognition  of  the  efforts  made  to  support
                training  to  a  number  of  students,  including students of the Political Science Faculty.
                training  related  to  public  relations,  human
                resources,  and  others.  The  placement  rate  of On  another  note,  there  are  many  entities  that
                graduates has significantly increased compared have  become  regular,  perhaps  even  long-
                to previous years.                                 standing,  participants  in  the  same  fair!  Among
                                                                   the most notable are the Ministry of Youth and
                Our  meetings  were  crowned  by  a  graduate  of Sports, the Ministry of Planning and Economic
                our    faculty,   responsible   for   the   Shaf Development,  the  Central  Agency  for  Public
                organization. It was an opportunity to benefit Mobilization and Statistics, and others. Editors
                from  her  experience  as  a  graduate  and  a of  Elite  newspaper  had  the  opportunity  to
                representative of an institution.                  discuss  with  representatives  of  the  Ministry  of
                                                                   Planning, and the responses were as follows:
                She was asked about her first impressions of us
                regarding  the  fair  and  spoke  with  great This  year  is  not  the  first  for  the  Ministry  of
                enthusiasm,      praising    the     remarkable Planning,  why  is  the  Ministry  of  Planning
                development the fair had undergone. She stated interested  in  participating  and  supporting  all

                that  everything  had  been  improved,  from  the activities and job fairs held by the faculty?
                number of participants to the attention given to

                specialized  training  in  the  faculty's  main
                specialties  (especially  political  science),  as  well
                as the space, among other things.

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