Page 12 - Issue 63
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Vol.1 Issue 63, May  2024                                               ELITE
                  Vol.1 Issue 63 January  2024

                                                Elite covers the 24th Job Forum

                                      Youssef Grant_ Third year_ Political Science

                                                                                Translate by: Rodaina Nader

                 Dr.  Ahmed  Ragab,  Vice  President  of  Cairo
                 University  for  Education  and  Student  Affairs,
                 inaugurated the 24th Job Fair for the Faculty
                 of Economics and Political Science on behalf of
                 Dr. Mohamed Othman El-Khosht, President of
                 Cairo University, on Tuesday, April 23, 2024 -
                 14 Shawwal 1445 H. This event was supervised      Students  from  the  second  and  third  years  were
                 by  Dr.  Hanan  Mohamed  Ali,  Acting  Dean  of   asked about their objectives in participating in this

                 the  Faculty,  and  attended  by  Dr.  Mamdouh    fair. They expressed their great satisfaction with
                 Ismail,  Vice  Dean  of  the  Faculty  for        participating  in  the  job  fair,  stating  that  the
                 Community      Service    and    Environmental    previous  year  had  helped  them  form  a
                 Development  Affairs,  and  Dr.  Mohamed          comprehensive picture and gain the most benefit
                 Sheiha,  Director  of  the  Faculty's  Employment  from the fair. This habit keeps them constantly
                 and  Training  Unit,  with  the  presence  of  more  prepared,  especially  regarding  continuously
                 than 35 different institutions and organizations.  updating their resumes, participating in student
                 This marks the 24th year of the fair, reflecting  activities  and  volunteer  work,  in  addition  to
                 the  university's  commitment  to  reaffirming    focusing on the academic aspect to prepare for
                 principles of social responsibility and the close  this  annual  event,  as  one  of  the  second-year
                 relationship  between  the  faculty  and  its     students described.
                 students by providing employment and training     On  the  other  hand,  the  presence  of  organizing
                 opportunities  for  the  college's  students  and  students has become an integral part of the job
                 graduates.  To  further  demonstrate  this        fair,  and  everyone  praised  the  increasing

                 commitment,  Elite  newspaper  covered  the  fair  organization  year  after  year  to  ensure  effective
                 as part of its annual tradition to celebrate this  participation of all attendees.
                 yearly  event  and  acknowledge  the  faculty's   In  this  regard,  several  organizing  students  were
                 efforts  in  this  field.  Initially,  several  questions  discussed: What is different this year? And what
                 were  directed  at  some  of  the  students  and  distinguishes  this  year's  fair?  The  most  notable
                 graduates  attending  the  fair  throughout  the  answers were as follows:
                 day, as follows:
   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17