Page 15 - Issue 63
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Vol.1 Issue 63 January  2024Vol.1 Issue 63, May  2024                   ELITE

                                       Conference Coverage "Small Family for a Better


                                              Farida Mohamed-Second year-Political Sciences-French Section

                 Under the slogan "With awareness, Egypt is changing for the  Dr.  Hanan  Mohamed  Ali  emphasizes  that  the  Awareness
                 better,"  and  as  part  of  the  implementation  of  the  social  program represents a cultural revolution in many areas, such
                 awareness  Initiative  for  community  development,  the  as  early  marriage  and  female  genital  mutilation,  and  most
                 Strategic  Forum  for  Development  and  Social  Peace  importantly,  population  growth.  She  mentions  that
                 Association, in collaboration with the Faculty of Economics  overpopulation burdens the state, depleting its resources and
                 and  Political  Science  at  Cairo  University,  is  organizing  a  hindering  development  efforts.  To  achieve  economic
                 conference titled "Small Family for a Better Life." The event  prosperity,  the  economic  growth  rate  must  exceed  the
                 took  place  on  Tuesday,  April  16,  2024,  at  12:00  PM  in  the  population  growth  rate.  She  highlights  the  Egyptian  Vision
                 Sawiris  Hall  at  the  Faculty  of  Economics  and  Political  2030  as  a  pivotal  point  for  comprehensive  development  in
                 Science,  under  the  patronage  of  Dr.  Nevine  El-Qabbaj,  economic,  environmental,  and  social  fields,  with  strategic
                 Minister  of  Social  Solidarity,  Professor  Dr.  Mohamed  El-  goals  focused  on  quality  of  life,  standard  of  living,  and
                 Khosht,  President  of  Cairo  University,  and  under  the  poverty  eradication  through  controlling  population  growth.
                 supervision  of  Professor  Dr.  Hanan  Mohamed  Ali,  Acting  Despite,  we  celebrate  the  decline  in  the  population  growth
                 Dean  of  the  Faculty  of  Economics  and  Political  Science  at  rate by 46 percentage point to reach 1.4%, in addition to the
                 Cairo University.                                  decline in the birth rate in some governorates, and the decline
                                                                    in  the  fertility  rate,  which  indicates  the  success  of  the
                 The  conference  commence  with  the  recitation  of  Quranic  population policy.
                 verses by the student Mohamed Ahmed from the fourth year,
                 then  starts  the  Republican  Salute  to  the  Arab  Republic  of  Then, journalist Dr. Samia Abu El Nasr started to state the
                 Egypt.                                             main  goal  of  the  conference  which  is  changing  societal
                 This  will  be  followed  by  welcoming  remarks  by  Dr.  Hanan  concepts  such  as  "al-Azwa"  (large  families),  deminishing
                 Mohamed Ali to the attendees and speakers:         women's  role  in  their  families,  and  the  idea  of  dividing
                                                                    individual  income  among  five  children  versus  two  children
                 1. Prof. Dr. Mohamed Sami Abdel-Sadek, Vice President of  when she explained by saying <do your math=, and calculate
                 Cairo University.                                  it  wisely.  She  asserted  the  responsibility  of  adults  as  they
                 2. Journalist Dr. Samia Abu El Nasr, Editor-in-Chief of Al-  influence  the  behaviors  and  personalities  of  children.  She
                 Ahram  and  Secretary  of  the  Strategic  Forum,  General  states  that  when  the  population  grows  beyond  economic
                 Coordinator  of  the  Awareness  Program  for  the  Strategic  growth  rates,  it  leads  to  problems  like  poverty,  illiteracy,
                 Forum Association.                                 slums, unemployment, street children phenomenon, and early
                 3. Major General Magdi Shehata, Former Assistant Minister  marriage,  which  hinders  women's  rights  and  health  and
                 of  Defense  and  Member  of  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the  perpetuate  chronic  poverty.  She  affirms  that  all  divine
                 Strategic Forum.                                   religions  have  encouraged  family  planning.  She  concludes
                 4. Prof. Dr. Mayssa Shoukry, Former Head of the National  that  the  only  solution  to  confront  fifth-generation  wars,
                 Population Council.                                which focus on rumors,  societal and familial disintegration, is
                 5.  Prof.  Dr.  Heba  Nassar,  Professor  at  the  Faculty  of  the  continuous  societal  awareness  and  a  sense  of  public
                 Economics and Political Science.                   responsibility.  While  expressing  her  gratefulness  to  Dr.
                 6. Prof. Dr. Amr Hassan, Advisor to the Minister of Health  Nevine  El-Qabbaj,  Minister  of  Social  Solidarity,  for  her
                 and Population and Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology).  continuous efforts in this field, she concluded her speech by
        15       7. Major General Dr. Ezzat El-Shishini, Former Advisor to  assuring the role of Egyptian youth in facing challenges and
                 the Demographic Center.                            changing their country for the better.
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