Page 6 - Issue 63
P. 6

Vol.1 Issue 63 January  2024Vol.1 Issue 63, May  2024                   ELITE

                  4.Tell us more about the National Center for         At    the    center,   there    are   several
                  Social  and  Criminal  Research,  and  its  most     specializations     such      as     Politics,

                  significant  tools,  in  addition  to  your          Economics,  Sociology,  and  Media,  in
                  experience  until  reaching  your  current           addition to a number of departments and
                  position? What are the interests of the center?      sections.  For  example,  the  section  of
                                                                       Societies  and  Social  Groups  has  three
                  The center was founded in 1955, and it is the        departments.
                  oldest  research  organization  in  the  mena
                  region.  it  was  established  during  a  turning     (A department that studies new cities and

                  point  in  Egypt’s  history.  The  decision  to      urban  cities  -  another  department  that
                  establish  the  center  was  made  by  President     studies  the  Egyptian  countryside  and  its
                  Gamal Abdel Nasser, as he was always keen            issues  -  another  department  that  studies
                  to benefit from various scientists due to the        population and their issues such as health
                  changes that was happening during that time          and  population  increase  -  in  addition  to
                  in  the  society.  In  the  beginning,  the  center  the Division of Institutions and the Force

                  was  mainly  focused  on  studying  criminal         of Social Development, which I belong to,
                  issues  in  order  to  issue  deterrent  laws  and   as there is a department that studies Mass
                  create  legislation  that  regulates  various        Communication         such      as     Social
                  issues.                                              communication  studies,  Theater,  and
                  However,  after  a  few  years,  it  became          Television  -  there  is  an  Education
                  obvious  that  the  social  dimension  is  closely   Research      department      -    and    the
                  related to the criminal dimension, and if an         department, that I have the honor to be its

                  appropriate  social  environment  is  available,     head,  which  is  the  Public  Opinion
                  it  will  consequently  reduce  the  problems  of    department,  and  this  surveys  citizens’
                  poverty,  justice,  and  slums.  Therefore,  the     opinions on all issues in general)
                  legal  dimension  is  not  separated  from  the
                  social, political and economic aspects at all.

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