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Vol.1 Issue 63 January  2024Vol.1 Issue 63, May  2024                   ELITE

                  In  fact,  all  of  the  students  at  FEPS  are
                  unique  and  distinguished,  whether  they  are

                  thanaweya  ama  top-achievers,  or  even  the
                  distinguished  students  of  science  and
                  mathematics  sections,  that  is  why  the
                  environment was extremely competitive.

                  As a student, I was responsible, that is why I
                  always  had  the  motive  to  give  and  learn  at

                  FEPS in order to succeed. Moreover, I was
                  very  keen  to  keep  on  my  academic  level,       Also,  my  relationship  with  FEPS  did  not
                  aqcuire  lots  of  information,  and  focus  on      stop  after  graduation,  as  one  of  the
                  self-development.                                    advantages  of  the  center  here  is  that  any
                                                                       researcher,  who  gets  hired  as  a  teaching
                  Honestly,  the  faculty  never  hesitated  to        assistant,  has  to  obtain  the  master’s  of

                  provide  us  with  any  kind  of  support  and       PhD degrees from the same university they
                  help,  to  an  extent  that  made  me  always        graduated  from,  or  any  other  university
                  perceive  FEPS  as  a  family  for  me.    For       abroad.
                  instance,  the  orientation  week,  that  was        The  center  mainly  requires  researchers  to
                  made to welcome and celebrate new-comers,            obtain post-graduate studies from different
                  motivated  me  a  lot  to  work  hard.  In           places  in  order  to  aqcuire  a  sense  of
                  addition,    exchanging      the    experiences      diversity in terms of teh specializations and

                  between  students  throughout  that  week            areas of research.
                  made me feel assured.
                                                                       The  center  even  provided  me  with  a
                  2. How was you daily life at FEPS, including         scholarship  to  study  at  the  USA,  but
                  your  activities,  and  your  relationship  with     unfortunately,    I    had    already    been
                  professors?                                          preparing for my post-graduate studies at
                                                                       FEPS back then, so I preferred to continue

                  Actually,  the  overall  number  of  students  at    studying at FEPS rather than wasting time
                  FEPS is not really huge, and even when we            on repeating the whole process.
                  choose  our  majors,  the  number  of  students
                  per major becomes less and less, that is why         I  was  provided  with  the  opportunity  to
                  every  professor  becomes  more  aware  of  all      teach  in  the  Parliamentary  Studies
                  the  students,  which  creates  an  environment      Diploma Program in 2019 at FEPS, I also

                  full of interaction between the professors and       taught  the  Israeli  Studies  Diploma  for
                  the students.                                        several  years,  so  my  relationship  with
                  In  addition,  all  the  professors  were  super     FEPS  did  not  stop  till  this  moment,  as  I
                  knowledgable,  so  that  created  a  spirit  of      am  currently  teaching  at  the  Military
                  astonishment  within  all  the  students.  For       Academy  for  Postgraduate  Studies  at  the

                  instance,  whenever  I  attended  lectures  for      National  Defense  College  ,  and  this  all
                  Prof. Ahmed Youssef, Prof. Aly Eldin Helal,          happened through a recommendation from
                  or  Prof.  Horreya,  we  always  used  to  feel      FEPS.
                  impressed  by  such  amazing  and  significant
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