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Vol.1 Issue 63 January  2024Vol.1 Issue 63, May  2024                   ELITE

                             Professor Hanan Abu Sekin - Head of Department of Public Opinion

                            Research and Measurements at the National Center for Social and
                                                           Criminal Research

                                       Jasmin Nabil, Youssef Mousa, Kenzy Tamer, Translation: Sara Basheer

                   As  we  continue  to  to  hold  fruitful            1.  How  did  your  relationship  with  FEPS
                   interviews  with  significant  figures  in  their   start? And why did you specially choose to
                   fields,  we  introduce  you  to  this  issue’s      join it?
                   figure.  Professor  Hanan  Abu  Sekin  who
                   won  the  State  Encouragement  Award,  is          First of all, I am not originally from Cairo,
                   loving for her faculty and job, and is very         and there was not a Faculty of Economics
                   keen  to  always  seek  for  progress.  She         and Political Science other than the one in

                   represents the best example for the woman           Cairo,  so  the  geographic  factor  is  one  of
                   who is ambitious to accomplish all of those         the main reasons why I chose to study at
                   achievements in a very short time.                  FEPS. Whenever I watched the televesion,
                                                                       I used to always spot distinguished figures
                   She obtained her bachelor’s, master’s, and          who  are  FEPS  graduates,  so  I  used  to

                   PhD  degrees  from  the  Faculty  of                believe that the are actually the elite, and
                   Economics  and  Political  Science  at  Cairo       that  all  the  unique  individuals  in  our
                   University.  That  is  why  she  is  deeply         society  are  those  who  graduated  from
                   grateful to the faculty. In addition,  she is a     FEPS.
                   member of the Executive Committee of the
                   Arab  Association  for  Political  Science,  a      Since I was a student in the science section,
                   member of the Political Science Committee           I  was  about  to  join  the  Faculty  of

                   of  the  Supreme  Council  of  Culture,  and        Pharmacy, but I couldn’t make it because
                   finally,  she  is  a  member  of  the  Training     of my grade, so I decided to join FEPS. I
                   Committee  of  the  National  Council  for          got into the FEPS in 2000, back then, I did
                   Women.                                              not  have  enough  information  about  the
                                                                       faculty.  Also,  my  parents  used  to  be
                                                                       against  travelling,  as  they  used  to  believe

                                                                       that  it  is  not  that  easy,  however,  I  was
                                                                       persistent to join FEPS.

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