Page 9 - Issue 59
P. 9


      Issue 59

    September            As a union, we take this matter upon ourselves as  On the contrary, the Gulf countries provide
                         much as our capabilities allow, because we are a   more  money,  but  with  it  comes  the
         2023            central association that does not have a political  impossibility of obtaining citizenship for the

                         character,  but  our  support  for  the  policy  of  our  country  to  which  they  immigrate,  which
                         country comes from our desire to link Egyptians    makes  the  immigrant  keen  to  save  his
                         with their homeland, and our desire to avoid their  money knowing that he must return to his
                         isolation and complete separation from it. One of  country one day after the end of his service.
                         the  mechanisms  by  which  we  achieve  this  is  to  These  are  the  main  sources  of  transfers
                         introduce them to ways of investing in it, instead  from  Egyptians  abroad  and  those  we  rely
                         of investing their money in Britain or Georgia or  on  mainly  in  the  subject  of  investment,
                         any other country, but investing in their country.  more  than  immigrants  from  Europe  and
                         Because all immigrants have roots and relatives in  America, who are less present in the issue of
                         Egypt,  father  and  mother  and  uncle  and  uncle,  investment except for a few. Therefore, one
                         they  are  related  to  the  moral  part  if  they  are  of  our  practical  roles  in  the  Union  is  to
                         unable  to  return  and  live  in  Egypt.  Because  I,  activate  the  investment  process.  And  in
                         with my great love for Egypt, ask some why I do    that,  we  cooperated  with  the  new
                         not return and settle in it, I answer them that we  administrative capital and signed a protocol
                         are all very fateful, we believe in God Almighty,  with  the  Falcons  Association  to  provide
                         whether we are Muslims or Christians or even any   units at certain fixed prices for members of
                         other religion. We know very well that everything  the  Union,  without  the  Union  having  any
                         is a fate from God, “and no soul knows in which    profit  from  them,  of  course.  We  signed
                         land  it  will  die.”  God  Almighty  said  this  verse  another  protocol  with  the  Agricultural
                         knowing  that  people  will  spread  on  earth,  and  Bank  at  the  time  of  the  coronavirus
                         each  of  them  has  his  written  livelihood  in  the  pandemic  when  all  Egyptians  in  the  Gulf
                         place  where  he  finds  himself.  When  I  graduated  returned  to  Egypt  and  the  young  people
                         from college and I was still young, it was fate that  who  traveled  as  foreign  labor  because  the
                         caused  me  to  go  to  Britain.  This  is  fate  for  all  pandemic meant stopping all work and thus
                         people, including my children who grew up there,   cutting  off  their  source  of  livelihood.  The
                         and my connection to me there, but this does not   result  was  the  return  of  all  these  to  Egypt
                         deny  or  diminish  my  connection  to  my  beloved  with  their  savings,  and  the  Agricultural
                         homeland Egypt. For example, I come to Egypt       Bank  provided  them  according  to  this
                         many  times  in  one  year,  including  a  very  long  protocol  with  agricultural  lands  and  loans
                         time, which is the current, and all our conferences  at a rate of 75% of the project, providing a
                         and  online  seminars  invite  public  figures  and  feasibility study and all the services required
                         specialists  in  investment.  I  remember  from  them  for the piece of land, and the loan interest
                         Professor  Dr.  Fakhry  El-Fiqi,  a  member  of  the  was around 3%.
                         House  of  Representatives  and  head  of  the  Plan
                         and  Budget  Committee,  who  gave  several        We  cooperated  with  state  institutions  in
                         seminars to us, we invited all those interested in  many  matters  in  many  projects  related  to
                         the investment file.                               the  state  of  agricultural  lands  and
                                                                            greenhouses  and  others,  and  I  cooperated
                         And we know them very well, because investment     with  many  to  use  and  rent  these
                         is  not  within  the  reach  of  all  Egyptians  abroad,  greenhouses. And the motive behind all this
                         and the percentage that falls in countries such as  is our national sense that pushes us to invest
                         America, Australia, and Europe does not exceed     and  own  in  our  homeland.  And  from  my
                         2 or 3% of their total. European policy does not   point  of  view,  if  the  Union  does  not  have
                         encourage saving, but rather a decent life within  any work other than activating investment,
                         the state’s policies, which aim to make the citizen  then this alone is enough as a message for it.
           8             in constant need of it to ensure his life.
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