Page 11 - Issue 59
P. 11


      Issue 59

    September             A  lot  of  great  work  has  been  done  in  this  mind. Egypt, like the rest of the world, has a
                          regard,  some  of  it  through  me,  because  I  percentage  of  polluting  emissions  due  to
         2023             consider  myself  an  Egyptian  abroad  and  I  production,  industry,  and  cars,  where  the
                          participated like me and others. I wish that the  transition  to  electric  cars  that  other  countries
                          investment protocols become less routine and   are  trying  to  achieve  may  be  difficult  for  us,
                          complicated  and  that  the  one-stop-shop     and reaching zero emissions is not easy, but we
                          system  is  applied  to  facilitate  the  process  for  are  trying  to  reach  it.  I  remember  from  them
                          the investor, instead of taking a long time that  especially the projects of purifying the canals,
                          may reach several months, which may dampen     which was a successful and large project to the
                          his  enthusiasm.  There  has  been  a  relative  extent  that  other  countries  requested  Egypt’s
                          improvement  in  this  regard  by  applying  the  help in implementing projects to line the canals
                          digital  transactions  system  and  providing  for them, which is a great achievement. These
                          many  improvements  and  facilities,  but  the  canals we used to see these on the agricultural
                          system  still  has  room  for  improvement.  And  road, and even in Alexandria, which is my city,
                          the  digital  transformation  is  a  form  of  Mahmoudia  Canal,  which  was  never  more
                          development.  And  I  have  seen  from  my     than  a  garbage  dump,  became  a  clean  and
                          experience that Egypt’s keeping pace with the  developed walkway where people sit and watch
                          issue of climate change was one of the highest  the water along the line.
                          files  that  it  could  deal  with,  as  the  president
                          was invited to the 2021 Climate Conference in  Sustainable    development     and     green
                          Scotland,  followed  by  the  2022  Climate    transformation  are  important  conditions  that
                          Conference,  which  was  hosted  by  the  city  of  many  grants  and  loans  require,  involving
                          Sharm El Sheikh, and it was successful by all  individuals and civil society and not just reducing
                          standards, and it is no small matter that Egypt  emissions  because  Egypt  is  one  of  the  low-
                          hosts such a conference, and that it includes a  emission countries. Do you remember any other
                          hall  for  discussions  outside  of  it  where  they  examples  of  projects  that  Egyptians  abroad
                          discuss  human  rights  freely,  silencing  all  the  participated in, not only financially but also by
                          charges  against  the  Egyptian  state  regarding  promoting  or  any  other  type  of  participation
                          the human rights file.                         related  to  sustainable  development  besides  the
                          Egypt’s reaching this level is great for me. The  model you mentioned to us?
                          invitation  of  His  Excellency  the  President  to
                          the  Climate  Conference  in  Scotland  came   I  regret  to  say  that  most  of  them  put
                          from Egypt’s role in promoting this file, which  investment  as  their  primary  and  sole  goal
                          is  seen,  for  example,  in  the  number  of  because a large number of us do not have the
                          reclaimed  feddans,  which  reaches  millions,  principle of self-education. For example, I am
                          and you certainly saw the wheat silos that we  originally  an  agricultural  engineer  and  I  care
                          had when the whole world faced a shortage of   about  this  file  very  much,  and  an  interior
                          this  crop  due  to  the  crisis  of  Russia  and  designer,  and  I  am  also  a  teacher  for  people
                          Ukraine.  Prices  rose  somewhat  and  this  is  with  special  needs  and  I  hold  several
                          something  we  have  no  control  over,  but  the  certificates  in  this  field,  and  also  a  media
                          product  was  always  available.  In  other    specialist  with  many  training  courses  in  the
                          countries, including ours in Britain, bread ran  media.  Therefore,  I  have  a  special  interest  in
                          out  of  the  markets  several  times,  a  real  these files. When the arrival of His Excellency
                          problem, while here in Egypt not a single food  the President for a visit to us in Scotland was
                          commodity  ran  out  despite  the  global  crisis.  announced, I made sure a month before to take
                          Other  than  wheat  feddans,  I  also  remember  an online training course on climate change, I
                          the number of planted palm trees, which also   was interested in registering for it and studying
                          reaches  millions,  and  this  helps  greatly  to  for  it  and  passing  its  exam  and  obtaining  its
          10              reduce emissions that increase the problem of  certificate  so  that  I  would  be  well  informed

                                                                         about the file.
                          global warming, which we always keep in
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