Page 10 - Issue 59
P. 10


      Issue 59

    September             This  is  of  course  in  addition  to  our
         2023             cooperation with the 57357 Hospital and

                          the  Hands  of  the  Future  Hospital,
                          especially the British branch, and recently
                          we  had  large  donations  with  the  Tahya
                          Misr Fund and awareness of the projects
                          and issues that fall under it. The result is
                          that  the  Union  has  an  important  role  in
                          all  aspects  related  to  the  relationship
                          between Egyptians abroad and Egypt. At
                          the same time, we help our country by the
                          fact  that  the  Union  is  a  force  because  I
                          will not ask the state and the president for
                          my  many  demands  without  also  giving
                          something  to  my  country  in  return.  My
                          message  to  all  those  who  object  to  His
                          Excellency the President’s projects or not
                          is that they also have a role to play, if he
                                                                      Siwa Oasis, and others. And we see with our own
                          establishes  projects,  we  must  also
                                                                      eyes,  thank  God,  a  lot  of  tourists  flocking  to
                          participate in them.
                                                                      Egypt, especially this year. This is very important
                          Do  you  remember  some  examples  of
                                                                      for  every  Egyptian  abroad,  whether  inside  or
                          projects that were financially supported by
                                                                      outside the Union, because each of us takes it upon
                          Egyptians  abroad,  coordinated  by  the
                                                                      himself  to  plant  admiration  and  love  for  his
                          Union, or even as individuals?
                                                                      country in the hearts of those around him, and this
                          I  don’t  have  any  examples  in  my  mind
                                                                      will not happen without being a good and effective
                          right  now,  but  I  certainly  remember  the
                                                                      ambassador for his country abroad.
                          project of the new administrative capital,
                          which  was  invested  in  and  promoted     The  government’s  main  priority  is  sustainable
                          heavily  here  in  Britain  and  many       development,  i.e.  development  that  does  not
                          Egyptians  here  bought  residential  and   negatively  affect  the  environment  and  takes
                          commercial units in it. Another example is  into  account  the  problems  of  climate  change
                          the  projects  of  greenhouses  and  fish   primarily.  You  mentioned  important  projects
                          farms, which were financed and operated     during your talk, many of which serve this goal.
                          by  centers  through  the  Union.  And      Some  say  that  Egyptians  these  days  care  only
                          among  the  other  projects  is  tourism    about  construction  and  real  estate,  but  the
                          promotion, as here in London three of the   projects  you  mentioned  confirm  that  Egyptians
                          largest  tourism  companies  in  Britain  are  abroad contribute to the government’s projects
                          Egyptian companies. We cooperated with      that   achieve   its   goal   of    sustainable
                          them to send groups and provide trips to    development, such as agriculture projects, crop
                          Egypt, and in this regard, we cooperated    improvement,  water  resource  management,  and
                          with  the  Tourism  Promotion  Office  to   finding  ways  to  adapt  agriculture  to  high
                          launch  an  initiative  to  promote  tourism  temperatures, solutions to coastal erosion and
                          and  I  got  souvenirs  for  the  British  and  new forms of renewable energy. You mentioned
                          others.                                     the greenhouse model, so tell us more about this
                          I  am  also  a  member  of  the  British    project  or  similar  projects  that  highlight  the
                          Conservative  Party,  and  in  all  the  meetings  role  of  Egyptians  abroad  in  supporting  the
                          that I or any member of the Union attend, we  state’s  projects  related  to  sustainable
                          make  sure  to  distribute  Egyptian  gifts  and
           9              publications  that  promote  Egypt  and  its  development.

                          tourist attractions such as Sharm El Sheikh,
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