Page 14 - Issue 59
P. 14


      Issue 59


                                                           Four Girls

                                                                Prof. Hanan Ahmed Aly, FEPS Acting Dean
                                                                                     Translated by: Mariam Ismail

                           She  filled  his  heart,  controlled  his  emotions,  She was followed by a second child, whom they
                           and occupied his thoughts.                    named Shorouk... because she shone their lives
                           As soon as the results of the final year of the  with goodness.
                           Faculty  of  Engineering  were  announced,  and  With  his  wife’s  support,  advice,  effort,  and
                           they succeeded together, he flew to her house to  some  of  the  money  she  inherited  from  her
                           ask for her hand.                             parents,  he  was  able  to  establish  a  private
                           Despite  his  modest  financial  means,  his  low  company in his name.
                           social standing, and the lack of clarity of vision  As time passed, his success increased, his fame
                           regarding his professional future, in the face of  spread,  and  his  money  increased.  Their
                           her  insistence  on  him,  her  attachment  to  him,  conditions improved, and they moved to live in
                           and her love for him, her father found no way  a  larger  house,  more  luxurious  furniture,  and
                           but approval.                                 more luxuries.
                           They  were  the  happiest  newlyweds,  the  most  They had a third child, and her father named
                           beautiful lovers, and the youngest couple.    her Duha. When his wife asked him about the
                           Their  life  was  called  happiness,  its  law  was  reason  for  the  name,  he  said:  God  Almighty
                           understanding,  and  its  description  was    swore by Duha, which is the time before noon,
                           harmony.                                      the  time  when  the  sun  prepares  to  rise  to  the
                           Her  father  employed  them  both  in  a  small  top of the sky.
                           company.  They  suffered  from  hardship  at  the  He looked at her, patted her on the shoulder,
                           beginning of their lives. But with her wisdom,  kissed her forehead, and said: And this is our
                           good behaviour, and careful management, she   life  now...  God  has  bestowed  upon  us  many
                           was able to face the demands of living.       blessings...  abundant  money...  strong  health...
                           With  her  good  manners,  the  sweetness  of  her  and three beautiful flowers...
                           tongue,  and  the  clarity  of  her  mind,  she  was  She smiled and said: I ask God to increase your
                           able to control his mind, so he would consult  wealth,  grant  you  health,  bless  our  flowers,
                           her about his affairs, trust her with his secrets,  grow beautiful plants in them, and bless them
                           and involve her in his dreams.                with  good,  caring,  compassionate  husbands
                           After a short period, God blessed them with a  like you.
                           beautiful baby girl. They named her Fajr. She  In  the  face  of  the  increasing  burdens  on  her,
                           was  the  source  of  hope  in  their  souls  and  the  she  had  no  choice  but  to  quit  her  job,  devote
          13               source of happiness in their lives.           herself  to  her  daughters,  and  take  care  of  her
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